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Personal profile

Personal profile

Name: Yuxia Zhang
Discipline: Computer Science and Technology
Title: Pre-appointed Assistant Professor, Special Associate Researcher
Contact number:
Address: Beijing University of Technology Center Teaching Building 1207 Personal Information
Yuxia Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Special Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor, School of Computer Science. He received his Doctor of Science degree from Peking University in July 2020 and then joined the Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests are intelligent software engineering, open source software ecosystem, data mining, empirical research, etc. He has published more than 20 papers in top conferences and journals such as ICSE, FSE, TSE, TOSEM, ESEM, etc. He has been funded by research projects such as the Academic Start-up Program for Young Teachers of Beijing Institute of Technology. Participate in the National Natural Science Foundation key projects, key research and development plans, surface projects and other scientific research projects. He is a reviewer of the international top journals TSE, ESEM, JSME, and serves as the international FSE2020 Session Chair, ICSEM2022 publication Chair, etc. He is an executive member of CCF Software Engineering Committee and CCF Open Source Development Committee.

The research group enrolls 3-4 masters each year. Students who are interested in intelligent software development, big data analysis and mining, open source software, software data analysis, swarm intelligence are welcome to join the research group, and undergraduate students who are interested in scientific research are also welcome to practice in the group.

Research Interests

Research Direction
Intelligent software development, data mining, open source ecology, swarm intelligence, and empirical research. He is mainly interested in using data mining, natural language processing, deep learning and other methods to analyze and improve the development efficiency and quality of large-scale complex software systems. He focuses on the research of massive open source software and its community ecology.


Personal Information
Yuxia Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Special Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor, School of Computer Science. He received his Doctor of Science degree from Peking University in July 2020 and then joined the Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests are intelligent software engineering, open source software ecosystem, data mining, empirical research, etc. He has published more than 20 papers in top conferences and journals such as ICSE, FSE, TSE, TOSEM, ESEM, etc. He has been funded by research projects such as the Academic Start-up Program for Young Teachers of Beijing Institute of Technology. Participate in the National Natural Science Foundation key projects, key research and development plans, surface projects and other scientific research projects. He is a reviewer of the international top journals TSE, ESEM, JSME, and serves as the international FSE2020 Session Chair, ICSEM2022 publication Chair, etc. He is an executive member of CCF Software Engineering Committee and CCF Open Source Development Committee.

The research group enrolls 3-4 masters each year. Students who are interested in intelligent software development, big data analysis and mining, open source software, software data analysis, swarm intelligence are welcome to join the research group, and undergraduate students who are interested in scientific research are also welcome to practice in the group.

Professional Experience

Personal Information
Yuxia Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Special Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor, School of Computer Science. He received his Doctor of Science degree from Peking University in July 2020 and then joined the Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests are intelligent software engineering, open source software ecosystem, data mining, empirical research, etc. He has published more than 20 papers in top conferences and journals such as ICSE, FSE, TSE, TOSEM, ESEM, etc. He has been funded by research projects such as the Academic Start-up Program for Young Teachers of Beijing Institute of Technology. Participate in the National Natural Science Foundation key projects, key research and development plans, surface projects and other scientific research projects. He is a reviewer of the international top journals TSE, ESEM, JSME, and serves as the international FSE2020 Session Chair, ICSEM2022 publication Chair, etc. He is an executive member of CCF Software Engineering Committee and CCF Open Source Development Committee.

The research group enrolls 3-4 masters each year. Students who are interested in intelligent software development, big data analysis and mining, open source software, software data analysis, swarm intelligence are welcome to join the research group, and undergraduate students who are interested in scientific research are also welcome to practice in the group.

Research Achievement

1. [FSE'22] Yuxia Zhang, Klaas-Jan Stol, Minghui Zhou, Liu Hui*. Corporate Dominance in Open Source Development: Prevalence, Patterns, and Impact. The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2022(CCF-A, accepted)
2. [TOSEM'22] Yuxia Zhang, Hui Liu, Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, Zhi Jin, and Jiaxin Zhu. 2022. Turnover of Companies in OpenStack: Prevalence and Rationale. In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology(CCF-A)
3. [IEEE Software'22] Yuxia Zhang, Hao He, and Minghui Zhou. Commercial Participation in OpenStack: Two Sides of a Coin. In IEEE Computer'22(SCI 2区)
4. [ICSE'22] Yingchen Tian, Yuxia Zhang*, Klaas-Jan Stol, Lin Jiang, and Hui Liu. 2021. What Makes a Good Commit Message? In Proceedings of The 44th International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. (CCF-A,获得ACM杰出论文奖)
5. [FSE'22] Yanjie Jiang, Liu Hui*, Yuxia Zhang, Weixing Ji, Hao Zhong, Lu Zhang. Do Bugs Lead to Unnaturalness of Source Code? The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2022(CCF-A, accepted)
6. [TSE'22] Yanjie Jiang, Liu Hui*, Xiaoqing Luo, Zhihao Zhu, Xiaye Chi, Nan Niu, Yuxia Zhang, Yamin Hu, Pan Bian, and Lu Zhang. "BugBuilder: An Automated Approach to Building Bug Repository," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online 2022. (CCF-A)
7. [FSE'21] Yanjie Jiang, Hui Liu, Yuxia Zhang, Nan Niu, Yuhai Zhao, Lu Zhang. Which Abbreviations Should Be Expanded? The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pp.578-589, 2021(CCF-A)
8. [Journal of Software'21] Leping Li, Yuxia Zhang*, Hui Liu. A Hybrid Approach to Fine-grained Automated Fault Localization. In: Journal of Software, 2021(CCF中文-A)
9. [Journal of Software'21] Yingchen Tian, Kejun Li, Taiming Wang, Qingqing Jiao, Guangjie Li, Yuxia Zhang, Hui Liu. A review of code smell research. In: Journal of Software, 2021(CCF中文-A)
10. [ICSE'20] Yuxia Zhang, Klaas-Jan Stol, Minghui Zhou, Jianyu Wu, Zhi Jin. How do Companies Collaborate in Open Source Ecosystems? An Empirical Study of OpenStack. In: The 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, 23-29 May 2020, Seoul, South Korea(CCF-A)
11. [TSE'19] Yuxia Zhang, Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus, Zhi Jin. Companies' participation in OSS development - An empirical study of OpenStack. In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019(CCF-A)
12. [EmSE'19] Sadika Amreen, Audris Mockus, Chris Bogart, Russell Zaretzki, Yuxia Zhang. ALFAA: Active Learning Fingerprint Based Anti-Aliasing for Correcting Developer Identity Errors in Version Control Data. In: Empirical Software Engineering, 2019(CCF-B)
13. [Science China'19] Minghui Zhou, Yuxia Zhang, Xin Tan. Software digital sociology. In: SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2019(CCF中文-A)
14. [ICSE-Poster'18] Yuxia Zhang, Xin Tan, Minghui Zhou, Zhi Jin. Companies' domination in FLOSS development: an empirical study of OpenStack. In: The 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 27 - June 03, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden(CCF中文-A)
15. [Journal of Software'18] Xin Tan, Zeyan Lin, Yuxia Zhang, Minghui Zhou. Analysis of Contribution Composition Patterns of Code Files. In: Journal of Software, 2018 (CCF中文-A)
16. [Journal of Software'18] Yuxia Zhang, Minghui Zhou, Wei Zhang, Haiyan Zhao, Zhi Jin. How commercial organizations participate in OpenStack open source projects. In: Journal of Software, 2017 (CCF中文-A)
17. [Computer Science'17] Yuxia Zhang. Study on bug-fixed traceability of Mozilla project. In: Computer Science, 2017 (CCF中文核心)
18. [Science & Technology Review'16] Zhi Jin, Minghui Zhou, Yuxia Zhang. Open source software and its eco-systems: Today and tomorrow. In:Science & Technology Review, 2016 (CCF中文核心)
1. CCF A类会议ICSE 2022 杰出论文奖
2. 全国软件大会2019 优秀博士生
3. ACM 2018 Internetware Conference Poster Track一等奖

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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