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Personal profile

Personal profile

Tel: 010-68912417
Office Location: Guo Zhong Building 209

Research Interests

Ammunition Engineering, Damage and Protection


Sep. 1993 - Jul. 1997 Bachelor of Ammunition Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, North University of China
Sep. 1997 - Mar. 2000 Master of Ammunition Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, North University of China
Sep. 2000 - Jul. 2004 Doctor of Engineering Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professional Experience

October 2004 - Now Lecturer ~ Associate Professor ~ Professor, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
June 2011 - Now School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology Doctoral Supervisor
September 2012 - September 2013 Visiting Scholar, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Research Achievement

1, No collateral damage unmanned aerial vehicle interception technology, Ministry of Education Technology Invention, 3rd Finisher, 2011
2, ×× Curtain Interceptor aircraft ammunition technology, National Defense Technology Invention Class II, 3rd Complete, 2009
3, ×× Landing reverse projectile conductive fiber bullet, National Technical Invention second class, 6th complete, 2008
4, the 11th China Ordnance Engineering Society Youth Science and Technology Award, Ordnance Engineering Society Youth Science and Technology Award, Individual Award, 2011
5, ×× Warhead Technology Innovation Team, National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Team Award, main team members, 2018
6, China Ordnance Science and Technology Institute of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Advisor, 2022


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