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Personal profile

Personal profile

Discipline: Aerospace Science and Technology
Tel: 010-68913765
Mailing Address: Astronautics Building, Beijing University of Technology /n Title: Lecturer
Mail box:
Postcode: 100081

Research Interests

1. Aircraft guidance, precise control and Simulation Technology
2. Distributed Interactive Simulation and Virtual Reality simulation technology
3, data driven control and intelligent adaptive control technology


2005/09-2009/09, Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Navigation, Weapon Science and Technology, Ph.D.
2002/09-2005/04, Master of Weapon Systems and Application, School of Navigation, Northwestern Polytechnical University 1998/09-2002/07, Industrial Automation, Navigation College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Bachelor degree

Professional Experience

2009-09-present, Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Astronautics, Flight Vehicle Control Department, Lecturer

Research Achievement

1, 2016-2017 academic year outstanding class teacher


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