Associate Professor
□ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
College of Machinery and Vehicle Engineering
Office Address
Beijing Institute of Technology Vehicle Laboratory 501C
Office Phone
By mail
[1] Xie YZ, Cheng XM*. Approximate Solutions for Determining Electrolyte Concentrations in Electrochemical Models of Lithium-Ion Batteries[J]. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2022, 169(6): 063516. (Q2)
[2] 程夕明*, 胡薇等. 纯电动汽车低压电气系统效率研究[J]. 汽车工程, 2022,44(4): 601-608.
[3] Xie YZ, Cheng XM*. A new solution to the spherical particle surface concentration of lithium-ion battery electrodes[J]. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2021, 399:139391. (TOP)
[4] Cheng XM*, Tang Y, Wang ZP*. Thermal Property Measurements of a Large Prismatic Lithium-ion Battery for Electric Vehicles[J]. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, 2021, 30(2): 477-492. (Q2)
[5] 谢奕展, 程夕明*. 锂离子电池状态估计机器学习方法综述[J]. 汽车工程, 2021, 43(11): 1720-1729.
[6] 程夕明*, 唐宇, 王寿群. 锂离子电池热物性参数测量方法综述[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(14): 140-150.
[8] Cheng XM*, Pecht M. In Situ Stress Measurement Techniques on Li-ion Battery Electrodes: A Review[J]. ENERGIES, 2017, 10(5): 591. (Q3)
[9] Cheng XM*, Yao LG, Pecht M. Lithium-ion battery state-of-charge estimation based on deconstructed equivalent circuit at different open-circuit voltage relaxation times[J]. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, 2017, 18(4): 256-267. (Q2)
[10] 程夕明, 薛涛. 基于多绕组变压器的均衡电路占空比设计方法[J]. 电机与控制学报, 2013, 17(10): 13-18.
[11] 程夕明, 孙逢春, 欧阳明高. 串联混合电动汽车辅助功率单元输出控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2007, 22(4): 69-76.
[1] 智能化整车控制技术研究. 国家重点研发计划课题,2018-2021.(通过验收)
[2] 锂离子电池机械应力特性分析及物理建模. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2017-2020. (通过验收).
[3] 辅助发电系统关键技术研究. 企业委托项目,2010-2012. (通过验收)
New energy vehicle battery management and system control, the research object involves battery management system (BMS), vehicle control unit (VCU), extended range controller, intelligent networked vehicle queue controller, etc. The academic core is system modeling, simulation and control.
New energy vehicle battery management and system control, the research object involves battery management system (BMS), vehicle control unit (VCU), extended range controller, intelligent networked vehicle queue controller, etc. The academic core is system modeling, simulation and control.
1. Reviewer of well-known journals at home and abroad, such as Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, International Journal of Energy Research, etc.;
2. Guest editor of Energies magazine once, 2015-2016;
3. Member of Beijing Automotive Engineering Society.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):