Wenyong Su

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Personal profile

Title: Associate Professor
Tel: 13621178290
Department: Computational Physics
E-mail: suwy@bit.edu.cn
Address: School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Physics Computational Physics


1998-2002 PhD, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
1990-1993 Master of Materials Science Institute, Jilin University
1986-1990 Bachelor, Northeast Institute of Technology

Professional Experience

2004-2006 Visiting Scholar, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
2002-present Associate Professor, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1993-2002 Lecturer, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

1.Kaiyi Wang, Wenyong Su, Lina Zhao, Glutathione-Coated Au29(SG)27: Structural Determination Based on Different Combination Styles Confirmed by Experiments,J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 13951-13957, 2019. (IF: 4.309, JCR:一区)
2.Peng Zhang, Jiao Zhai, Xueyun Gao, Hongkang Zhao, Wenyong Su, Lina Zhao, Targeted peptide-Au cluster binds to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in both active and inactive states: a clue for cancer inhibition through dual pathways, Sci. Bull., 63, 349-355, 2018. (IF: 6.277,JCR:一区 )
3.Dou-Dou Sun, Wen-Yong Su*, Feng-Wang, Wan-Xiang Feng, Cheng-lin Heng, Electron Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Monolayer Films from Au-P-Au to Au-Si-Au Molecular Junctions,Chinese Physics Letters 35, 017201(2018)。
5.Computational characterization of monolayer C3N: A two-dimensional nitrogen-graphene crystal,Zhou, Xiaodong; *Feng, Wanxiang; Guan, Shan; Fu, Botao; Su, Wenyong; Yao, Yugui,Journal of Materials Research, 32(15), pp 2993-3001, 2017/8.,DOI:10.1557/jmr.2017.228
6.*Heng, C. L.; Wang, T.; Su, W. Y.; Wu, H. C.; Yang, M. C.; Deng, L. G.; Yin, P. G.; *Finstad, T. G., Intense ultraviolet photoluminescent emission from Yb doped ZnO thin films on Si after high temperature annealing, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 695卷, pp 2232-2237, 2017/2/25.
7.Rui-Fang Gao, Wen-Yong Su*, Feng-Wang, Wan-Xiang Feng, Electron Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Si1P1 Molecular Junctions,Chinese Physics Letters 34, 027201(2017)
8.分子对飞秒激光场响应的含时密度泛函理论研究,张小琴; 王锋; 洪许海; 苏文勇; 苟秉聪; 陈慧敏;原子与分子物理学报,04期,pp655-660,2016/08/28
9.Zhang, Xiaoqin; *Wang, Feng; Hong, Xuhai; Su, Wenyong; Gou, Bingcong; Chen, Huimin, The electron-ion dynamics in ionization of lithium carbide molecule under femtosecond laser pulses, Physics Letters A, 380(35), pp 2750-2756, 2016/8/12.
10.A new kind of 2D topological insulators BiCN with a giant gap and its substrate effects,Fu, Botao; Ge, Yanfeng; Su, Wenyong; Guo, Wei; *Liu, Cheng-Cheng,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6卷, 2016/7/21.,DOI:10.1038/srep30003
11.C. L. Heng*, J. T. Li, W. Y. Su. D. Li, P. G. Yin, and T. G. Finstad, The photoluminescence properties of (Ce, Yb) co-doped silicon oxides upon high temperature annealing. Journal of Applied Physics 117, 043101 (2015).
12.C. L. Heng*, J. T. Li, W. Y. Su, Z. Han, P. G. Yin and T. G. Finstad, The formation of Yb silicates and its luminescence in Yb heavily doped Si oxides after high temperature annealing, Optical Materials, publish on line January 7, 2015.
13.C.L. Heng,* W. Y. Su, Q. W. Zhang, X. Q. Ren, P. G. Yin,H. P. Pan, S. D. Yao, and T. G. Finstad, The Photoluminescence from (Eu, Yb) Co-doped silicon-rich Si oxides,Journal of Luminescence, 154 (2014) 339-344.
14.C.L. Heng,* W. Y. Su, Q. W. Zhang, X. Q. Ren, P. G. Yin,H. P. Pan, S. D. Yao, and T. G. Finstad, Photoluminescence properties of (Eu, Yb) Co-doped silicon-rich Si oxides,Advanced Materials Research 936, (2014) 207-211.
15.Yalong Jiao, Feng Wang, Xuhai Hong, Wenyong Su, Zhen Zhang, Electron dynamics triggered by double attosecond pulses: Simulations based on time-dependent density functional theory, Physics Letters A 378,(2014)95-99.
16.Xuhai Hong, Feng Wang, Wenyong Su, Yalong Jiao, Nana Sun, Bingcong Gou, Electron dynamics in Na4 cluster under femtosecond laser irradiation, Laser Physics 23 (2013) 036004.
17.Xuhai Hong, Feng Wang, Yalong Jiao,Wenyong Su,Jianguo Wang,and Bingcong Gou, Xuhai Hong, Feng Wang, Yalong Jiao, Wenyong Su, Jianguo Wang,and Bingcong Gou, Theoretical investigation of the electron capture and electron loss processes in the collisions of He2+ + Ne, Journal Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 084321
18.Y.L. Jiao, F. Wang,, X.H. Hong, W.Y. Su, Q.H. Chen, F.S. Zhang,Electron dynamics in CaB6 induced by one- and two-color femtosecond laser,Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 823–827.(SCI)
19.Juan Lv, Feng Wang, Xuhai Hong, Wenyong Su,Theoretical study of small silicon clusters: Optical absorption spectra and dipole polarizabilities of Sin (n=2-7),International Conference on Multimedia Technology, pp 6137-6142, 2011/7/26.(EI).
20.Wenyong Su, Luo Yi, Weak Gate Effect in 1,3-Benzenedithiol Molecular Device, Chinese Physics Letters 27 (2010) (048502-1)—(048502-4).(SCI)
21.Wenyong Su, Yanpin Jin and Feng Wang,Quantum Chemical Study of Electronic Transport Properties of Biphenyldithiol Molecular Junction, Mod. Phys. Lett. B., 23 (2009) 3341-3351(SCI).
22.Guangjun Tian,Wenyong Su, Two Possible Configurations for Silver-C60-Silver Molecular Devices and Their Conductance Characteristics, Chinese Physics Letters 26 (2009) (068501-1)--(068501-4).(SCI)
23.Wenyong Su, Jun Jiang, Wei Lu and Yi Luo, First-principles study of electrochemical gate-controlled conductance in molecular junctions. Nano Letters, 6 (2006)2091-2094.(SCI)
24.Wenyong Su, Jun Jiang, Yi Luo, Quantum-chemical study of coherent electron transport in oligophenylene molecular junctions of different lengths. Chemical Physics Letters, 412 (2005)406-410.(SCI)
25.苏文勇,李蕊,邵彬,SiGe 异质结双极晶体管基区渡越时间分析,北京理工大学学报,25 (2005)522-525。
27.Luogen Deng, Kunna He, Wenyong Su, Optical limiting performances of the methyl-red dye doped nematic liquid crystal films, Proc. Of SPIE, Vol, 4819 (2002) p79-89. (SCI)
28.Qian-Shu Li,Wen-yong Su, and Jian Zou, Comparing two evidences of quantum chaos, Chaos,Solitons and Fractals, Vol.14,(2002),975-979.(SCI)
29.Su Wenyong, Zhang Ruilin, Shao Bin, The activation energies' computation of the diffusions of , in . Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology,2002,11,105-108
30.Jian Zou, Bin Shao and Wen-yong Su, Wave-packet analysis of mesoscopic Josephson junction with dissipation in the Wigner formalism, Phys. Lett. A. Vol.285,(2001),401-406. (SCI)
31.Zou Jian, Shao Bin and Su Wen-yong, Superposition of coherent states in a Mesoscopic Josephson junction with dissipation, Comm. Theo. Phys. Vol.36,(2001),473-476. (SCI)
32.Wenyong Su, and Qian-Shu Li, The Quantum-Classical correspondence In Chaotic Dynamic Systems, Mod. Phys. Lett. B., Vol.14, No.4(2000)147-153. (SCI)
33.苏文勇, 张瑞林, "TiB2等C32型化合物价电子结构分析", 北京理工大学学报, 2000年10月, 2000年,第20卷, 第5期, 550-554.
34.Shao Bin, Zou Jian, Su Wenyong, Li Qianshu, "Dynamic Behavior of Voltage Across Small Capacitance Josephson Junction", Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol.8, No.4 (1999)370-373.
35.刘兆龙, 苟秉聪, 苏文勇, 张茹, "类锂O+5 离子共振态的多通道复数转动计算", 北京理工大学学报, 1999年,第19卷, 第3期, 296-300.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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