Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research Interests

(1) Accurate diagnosis of diseases: The synthesis and engineering transformation of new nanomaterials based on highly sensitive imaging capabilities can realize the early diagnosis of different diseases (tumor, inflammation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.).
(2) Tumor prevention: Based on the development of efficient new tumor vaccines, to achieve efficient prevention of different types of tumors.
(3) Efficient treatment of tumor: Based on the synergistic combination treatment strategy of new biological therapies (cell, antibody, gene therapy, etc.), chemotherapy, photochemical dynamic therapy, light/magnetothermal therapy, etc., to build an efficient treatment platform for tumor that can meet different treatment needs.
(4) Personalized treatment of diseases: Research immune mechanisms based on organoids or organ chips, and explore personalized immunotherapy of diseases.


2015.09-2020.03 Doctor of Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Supervisor: Xie Haiyan (Jie Qing)

Professional Experience

2022.01-present Associate Professor/Special Researcher, School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology
2020.04-2022.01 Postdoc, School of Materials Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Co-supervisor: Haizong Zhong

2022.01-present Associate Professor/Special Researcher, School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology
2020.04-2022.01 Postdoc, School of Materials Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Co-supervisor: Haizong Zhong

Research Achievement

(1) Beijing Outstanding Graduate, 2020
(2) Youbo, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2020
(3) Outstanding League Leader, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2016

(1) Beijing Outstanding Graduate, 2020
(2) Youbo, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2020
(3) Outstanding League Leader, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2016

(1) National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, High-efficiency Photodynamic therapy system with precision Targeted immunity Coordination, 300,000 yuan, in research, presided over;
(2) The 68th batch of China Postdoctoral Foundation project, Construction and application of efficient Visual NK cell therapy system, 80,000 yuan, completed, hosted;
(3) National Natural Science Foundation project, highly specific tumor diagnosis and treatment system activated by collaborative response, 660,000 yuan, in research, participation.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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