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Personal profile

Personal profile

Since June 2020, he has been a special researcher and doctoral supervisor of the School of Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology, and the head of new energy technology and sub-platform of Chongqing Innovation Center of Beijing Institute of Technology. It was approved as the "2020 Chongqing Talented Youth Top Talent Program", "2022 Beijing Science and Technology New Star Program Innovation New Star" and "2022 Chongqing Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Youth Fund". He served as the director and member of the fourth Council of Chongqing Non-Party Intellectuals Association, and the senior professional title evaluation expert of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
It mainly teaches the core courses "Applied Electrochemistry" (bilingual course) for undergraduates, "Advanced Battery Lecture Hall", "New Energy Materials and Devices from an International Perspective", "Progress in Energy and Environmental Materials", and the professional course "Fundamentals of Materials Electrochemical Engineering" for graduate students. At present, it focuses on the cross-research field of energy materials and large science device applications, focusing on the study of green secondary batteries and related materials based on synchrotron radiation characterization. It covers Li-rich positive electrode, layered nickel-based positive electrode, silicon-based negative electrode and sodium-ion battery positive and negative electrode materials, in situ/ectopic synchrotron radiation characterization techniques XANES, EXFAS, Soft-XAS, RIXS, WAXS, and neutron diffraction (ND) characterization. As the project/subject leader, he presided over 6 vertical projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Key Research and Development Plan, Chongqing Key project, and 5 horizontal cooperation projects of China Minmetals Group, Yibin Lithium Bao, China Automotive Research Institute and other enterprises, and the research results were selected into the 2022 China Nonferrous Metals Industry Science and Technology Award (second Prize). The 2021 R&D 100 Awards and the 2019 U.S. Department of Energy US DRIVE Technology Achievement Award. As the backbone of the project, he participated in the National Key Basic Research (973) Program, the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation, the major achievement transformation project of the Central universities in Beijing, the Strategic consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and EBI projects. So far, he has published more than 60 papers in high-level journals such as Nature Commun and applied for more than 30 patents, including 2 PCT patents. Guest editor of Materials, Coatings, Energies, Frontiers in Chemistry, Electronic Structure and other journals.

Research Interests

1. Research on high performance positive and negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries;
2. Research on energy materials related to new secondary battery system;
3. Advanced material characterization based on synchrotron radiation light source, etc.


2009.9-2015.3 Beijing Institute of Technology PhD in Applied Chemistry
2005.9-2009.7 Beijing Institute of Technology Environmental Engineering Bachelor

Professional Experience

2020.6-present Special Researcher, School of Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology
2020.7-Now Head of Sub-Platform of Chongqing Innovation Center, Beijing Institute of Technology
2016.9-2020.3 Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2015.5-2016.7 Research Assistant, School of Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

[1] N. Li, M. Sun, W. H. Kan, Z. Zhuo, S. Hwang, S. E. Renfrew, M. Avdeev, A. Huq, B. D. McCloskey, D. Su, W. Yang*, W. Tong*. Layered-Rocksalt Intergrown Cathode for High-Capacity Zero-Strain Battery Operation. Nature Commune. 2021, 12: 2348.
[2] N. Lee, S. Sallis, J. K. Papp, B. D. McCloskey, W. Yang, W. Tong. Correlating the phase evolution and anionic redox in Co-Free Ni-Rich layered oxide cathodes. Nano Energy 2020, 78, 105365
[3] N. Li, J. Wu, S. Hwang, J. K. Papp, W. H. Kan, L. Zhang, C. Zhu, B. D McCloskey, W. Yang, W. Tong. Enabling Facile Anionic Kinetics through Cationic Redox Mediator in Li-Rich Layered Cathodes. ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 11, 3535–3543.
[4] N. Li,† S. Hwang,† M. Sun, Y. Fu, V. S. Battaglia, D. Su and W. Tong. Unraveling the Voltage Decay Phenomenon in Li‐Rich Layered Oxide Cathode of No Oxygen Activity. Adv Energy Mater. 2019,
[5] N. Lee,† S. Sallis,† J. K. Papp, J. Wei, B. D. McCloskey, W. Young and W. Tong. Unraveling the Cationic and Anionic Redox Reactions in a Conventional Layered Oxide Cathode. ACS Energy Lett. 2019, 4, 2836–2842.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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