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Personal profile

Personal profile

Name: Geng Jing
Discipline: Computer Science and Technology
Title: Pre-appointed Assistant Researcher, Master Tutor
Contact number: 18513807639
Address: No.5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing Personal Information
Geng Jing, Ph.D., pre-appointed Assistant researcher and Master supervisor of School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. In December 2015, he received his PhD degree from the State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University. In February 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow and assistant researcher in the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests include geographic information services, intelligent interpretation of remote sensing images, spatio-temporal big data analysis, and e-government related theories. So far, he has published nearly 20 papers in journals or conferences, and presided over or participated in more than 10 scientific research projects including national key research and development projects.

Research Interests

Research Direction
Computer Vision: Object recognition, Intelligent interpretation of Remote sensing images
Geographic Information Services: Geographic Information Systems, Geographic information knowledge services
Big Data Mining Analysis: Spatio-temporal data analysis, multi-source data processing, Big data mining analysis technology
Ping An China: e-Government related Theories, Ping An China Construction


Personal Information
Geng Jing, Ph.D., pre-appointed Assistant researcher and Master supervisor of School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. In December 2015, he received his PhD degree from the State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University. In February 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow and assistant researcher in the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests include geographic information services, intelligent interpretation of remote sensing images, spatio-temporal big data analysis, and e-government related theories. So far, he has published nearly 20 papers in journals or conferences, and presided over or participated in more than 10 scientific research projects including national key research and development projects.

Professional Experience

Personal Information
Geng Jing, Ph.D., pre-appointed Assistant researcher and Master supervisor of School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. In December 2015, he received his PhD degree from the State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University. In February 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow and assistant researcher in the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests include geographic information services, intelligent interpretation of remote sensing images, spatio-temporal big data analysis, and e-government related theories. So far, he has published nearly 20 papers in journals or conferences, and presided over or participated in more than 10 scientific research projects including national key research and development projects.

Research Achievement

1、 期刊论文
[1]. Shuliang Wang, Jingting Yang, Zhengyu Chen, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng*, Zhen Hai,2020,Global and Local Tensor Factorization for Multi-Criteria Recommender System. Patterns (Cell 子刊),1(2): 100023
[2]. Geng Jing; Gan Wenxia; Xu Jinying,Yang Ruqin,Wang Shuliang,2020,Support vector machine regression (SVR)-based nonlinear modeling of radiometric transforming relation for the coarse-resolution data-referenced relative radiometric normalization (RRN),Geo-Spatial Information Science, 23(3):237-247
[3]. Jing Geng, Shuliang Wang*, Wenxia Gan*, Hanning Yuan*, Zeqiang Chen.Promoting Geospatial Service from Information to Knowledge with Spatiotemporal Semantics, Complexity vol.2019, Article ID 9301420, 14 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2019/9301420. SCI: IS4SX 1076-2787 , JCR Q2
[4]. Qi Li, Shuliang Wang, Chuanfeng Zhao, Boxiang Zhao, Xin Yue, Jing Geng*, 2021, HIBOG: Improving the clustering accuracy by ameliorating dataset with gravitation, Information Sciences, 550: 41-56. JCR Q1
[5]. Shuliang Wang, Kanokwan Malang, Hanning Yuan, Aniwat Phaphuangwittayakul Yuanyuan Lv, Matthew David Lowdermilk, and Jing Geng*.2020, Extracting Skeleton of the Global Terrorism Network Based on m-Modified Topology Potential. Complexity, vol.2020, Article ID 7643290, 18 pages (IF:2.462), JCR Q2
[6]. Shuliang Wang, Qi Li, Hanning Yuan, Deren Li, Jing Geng*, Chuanfeng Zhao, Yimeng Lei, Chuanlu Liu, Chengfei Liu.δ-Open set clustering— A new topological clustering method; Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2018.8(6). JCR Q2
[7]. Shuliang Wang, Shaopeng Wang, Hanning Yuan, Qi Li, Jing Geng*, Yang Yu. Clustering by differencing potential of data field; Computing, 2018. 100:403–419. JCR Q3
[8]. Shuliang Wang, Dapeng Li, Jing Geng*, Longxing Yang, Tianru Dai, Learning bi-utterance for multi-turn response selection in retrieval-based chatbots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,March-April 2019: 1–10,DOI: 10.1177/1729881419841930 1729-8814,JCR Q4
[9]. Shuliang Wang; Dapeng Li; Jing Geng*; Hongyong Leng, 2020, Learning to balance the coherence and diversity of response generation in generation-based chatbots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 17(4):1-11
[10]. Shuliang Wang, Yiping Zhao, Yue Shu, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, Shaopeng Wang, 2018, Fast search local extremum for maximal information coefficient (MIC). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 327: 372-387 (SCI: FJ5LG; IF 2.037), JCR Q1
[11]. Hanning Yuan, Zhengyu Chen, Jingting Yang, Geng Jing, Shuliang Wang*, 2020, A Hybrid Aspect Based Latent Factor Model for Recommendation, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29 (3): 482-490 IF 0.945 1022-4653
[12]. Chuanlu Liu, Shuliang Wang*, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, 2020, Discovering the Association of Algae with Physicochemical Variables in Erhai Lake, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29 (2): 265-272 IF 0.945 1022-4653
[13]. Tu Peng, Shuliang Wang*, Jing Geng, Qinsi Wang, Yun Yang, Kang Zhang, 2020, Verification of the Instantiation and Integration of Security Patterns, Journal of Web Engineering, 19(3-4): 521-556
[14]. Wang Shuliang, Chi Hehua, Yuan Ziqiang, Geng Jing, 2019, Emotion recognition using cloud model, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 28(3): 470-474,DOI:10.1049/cje.2018.09.020, May 2019
[15]. WANG Shuliang, LI Qi, YUAN Hanning, GENG Jing, DENG Chenwei, 2019, Robust Clustering with Topological Graph Partition, Chinese Journal of Electronics 28(1):76-84 (SC:IFT0SC Ei ) JCR Q4 DOI:10.1049/cje.2018.09.005
[16]. Shuliang Wang, Hehua Chi, Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, 2017, Extraction and representation of common feature from uncertain facial expressions with cloud model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, December 2017, 24(36): 27778–27787, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0237-2 (SCI:FP8EX IF 2.741,2.8, 3.056) JCR Q2
[17]. Hanning Yuan, Shuliang Wang*, Jing Geng, Yang Yu, Ming Zhong. 2017, Robust clustering with distance and density,International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 13(2):63-74. (corresponding author) (SCI: FD9QP; Ei: 20172103688417; IF 1.355 0.727, 0.781)
2、 会议论文
[1]. Guo Lu,Tianxiong Zhong, Jing Geng*, Qiang Hu, Dong Xu. Learning Based Multi-Modality Image and Video Compression. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2022. (CCF-A)
[2]. GeoGlobe-based Application User Case Analysis, ISPRS 2012: International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress. Australia, 2012, Geng Jing, Gong Jianya.
[3]. HierArchical-Grid CluStering Based on DaTA Field in Time-Series and the Influence of the First-Order Partial Derivative Potential Value for the ARIMA-Model; ADMA 2018, 2018, Krid Jinklub, Jing Geng*, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-05090-0_3.
[4]. The Comprehensive Analysis of Flood Disasters Losses in China from 2000 to 2010. CTCE 2018, Lei Zhang, Jing Geng* and Chunbo Fan.
[5]. Ship Detection from Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning; International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence, Springer, 2017:336-344; Ziqiang Yuan, Jing Geng*, Tianru Dai.
3、 专著
[1]. Yuan H., Geng J. Bian F. (Eds.), 2017, Geo-spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 698, Berlin: Springer.
[2]. Yuan H., Geng J. Bian F. (Eds.), 2017, Geo-spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 699, Berlin: Springer.
[3]. Yuan H., Geng J. Liu C. (Eds.), 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 848, Berlin: Springer.
[4]. Yuan H., Geng J. Liu C. (Eds.), 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) ,Volume 849, Berlin: Springer.
4、 专利
[1] 王树良 李琦 耿晶 代天茹, 一种服务于聚类任务的自编码器网络优化方法,申请日期2019.09.24,公开日:2020.01.17,专利号CN201910903391.0,中国国家知识产权局,IPC分类号G06T15/08
[2] 王树良 耿晶 刘传鲁, 一种三维变量间相关性衡量方法及指标优化方法,申请日期2019.11.07,公开日:2020.02.14,专利号CN201911082689.6,中国国家知识产权局,IPC分类号G06T15/08
[3] 王树良 耿晶 刘传鲁, 一种水质数据分析方法 [发明],申请日期2019.11.08,公开日:2020.02.25,专利号CN201911088806.X,中国国家知识产权局,IPC分类号G16C20/70
[4] 王树良 许建峰 冯俊达 刘传鲁 耿晶 , 数据集中强相关变量提取及专利数量影响因素提取方法,申请日期2019.11.26,公开日:2020.04.10,专利号CN201911176601.7,中国国家知识产权局,IPC分类号 G06F16/2458
[5]袁汉宁 吕媛媛 王树良 耿晶,一种共享自行车骨架网络提取方法,申请日期 2019.11.04,公开日期 2020.10.02,专利号 ZL 201911066648.8,中国国家知识产权局,IPC分类号 H04W4/021
5、 软件著作权
[1]. 道路拥堵分析软件V1.0

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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