title = "Research on blockage damage effect of fragment warhead to target on ground",
abstract = "The blockage damage to the movable target on the ground with the mode of deterring is an important aspect of research about the fragment warhead. The analytic method of damage power about the blockage warhead cluster with the three blockage districts, including districts of dense damage in close distance, sparse damage in middle distance and deterrence damage in wide distance, was raised to do the research on the designing method of blockage damage warhead and the evaluation of blockage damage effect. The lying and standing static effectiveness test of the blockage warhead were designed based on the special blockage damage character. The designing method of the blockage damage warhead and the analytic method of blockage power characteristic were proved to be scientific, and the researching is significant in project application.",
keywords = "Blockage damage, Preformed fragments, Warhead",
author = "Huang, {Guang Yan} and Feng, {Shun Shan} and Liu, {Pei Qing} and Liu, {Chun Mei}",
year = "2012",
doi = "10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.443-444.911",
language = "English",
isbn = "9783037852897",
series = "Advanced Materials Research",
pages = "911--916",
booktitle = "Manufacturing Science and Materials Engineering",
note = "2010 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Materials Engineering, ICMSME 2011 ; Conference date: 14-10-2011 Through 15-10-2011",