Progress of study on thermal behaviors of nitrogen-rich compounds as azole, triazine and furazan

Zhi Yue Han, Yue Zhen Yang, Zhi Ming Du, Ying Hao Zhang, Qian Yao

科研成果: 期刊稿件文献综述同行评审

1 引用 (Scopus)


The progress of study on thermal behaviors of nitrogen-rich compounds as azole, triazine and furazan in recent years at home and abroad were summarized. The methods of thermal behavior research were analyzed and summarized. The influence law of compound structure and substituted groups on the thermal stability of the compound was obtained. The research results show that the thermal stability decreases in the order of furazan > triazine > azole; triazole > tetrazolium > pentazole; triazine > tetrazine, which is caused by the carbon content, skeleton tension and co-plane etc. Introducing nitro group, azo bond, cyano group and azide group etc. nitrogen-containing groups into nitrogen-rich compounds will reduce the thermal stability, which is caused by electronic absorption effect of substituted groups. The conjugation effects among nitrogen-rich rings can effectively enhance the thermal stability of the molecular compound. The combination of thermal analysis with theoretical calculation and gas phase chromatography to deduce the reaction mechanism is one of the direction of the future research, with 55 references.

期刊Huozhayao Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants
出版状态已出版 - 1 12月 2016


探究 'Progress of study on thermal behaviors of nitrogen-rich compounds as azole, triazine and furazan' 的科研主题。它们共同构成独一无二的指纹。
