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机械与车辆学院 激光微纳加工
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[1] Cheng, Q.;#* Jin, T.;# Miao, Y.;# Liu, Z.; Borovilas, J.; Zhang, H.; Liu, S.; Kim, S.-Y.; Zhang, R.; Wang, H.; Min, W.* and Yang, Y.*. Stabilizing lithium plating in polymer electrolytes by concentration-polarization-induced phase transformation. Joule 2022, 6 (10), 2372-2389.
[2] Cheng, Q.;# Wei, L.;# Liu, Z.; Ni, N.; Sang, Z.; Zhu, B.; Xu, W.; Chen, M.; Miao, Y.; Chen, L.-Q.; Min, W.* and Yang, Y.*. Operando and three-dimensional visualization of anion depletion and lithium growth by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Nature communications 2018, 9 (1), 2942. (Top 50 Most read paper)
[3] Cheng, Q.;# Miao, Y.;# Wild, J.; Min, W.* and Yang, Y.* Emerging applications of stimulated Raman scattering microscopy in materials science. Matter 2021, 4 (5), 1460-1483.
[4] Cheng, Q.;# Li, A.;# Li, N.;# Li, S.; Zangiabadi, A.; Huang, W.; Li, A. C.; Jin, T.; Song, Q.; Xu, W.; Yan, K.* and Yang, Y.*. Stabilizing solid electrolyte-anode interface in Li-metal batteries by boron nitride-based nanocomposite coating. Joule 2019, 3 (6), 1510-1522.
[5] Cheng, Q.;# Xu, W.;# Qin, S.; Das, S.; Jin, T.; Li, A.; Li, A. C.; Qie, B.; Yao, P.; Zhai, H. and Yang, Y.* Full dissolution of the whole lithium sulfide family (Li2S8 to Li2S) in a safe eutectic solvent for rechargeable lithium–sulfur batteries. Angewandte Chemie 2019, 131 (17), 5613-5617.
[6] Jin, Z.;# Cheng, Q.;# Bao, S. T.; Zhang, R.; Evans, A. M.; Ng, F.; Xu, Y.; Steigerwald, M. L.; McDermott, A. E.; Yang, Y.* and Nuckolls, C.* Iterative synthesis of contorted macromolecular ladders for fast-charging and long-life lithium batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144 (30), 13973-13980.
[7] Jin, Z.;# Cheng, Q.;# Evans, A. M.; Gray, J.; Zhang, R.; Bao, S. T.; Wei, F.; Venkataraman, L.; Yang, Y.;* Nuckolls, C.* π-Conjugated redox-active two-dimensional polymers as organic cathode materials. Chemical science 2022, 13 (12), 3533-3538.
[8] Cheng, Q.; Song, Z.; Ma, T.; Smith, B. B.; Tang, R.; Yu, H.; Jiang, H.; Chan, C. K.* Folding paper-based lithium-ion batteries for higher areal energy densities. Nano letters 2013, 13 (10), 4969-4974.
[9] Cheng, Q.; Wang, C.; Doudrick, K.; Chan, C. K.* Hexavalent chromium removal using metal oxide photocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2015, 176, 740-748.
[10] Cheng, Q.; Yang, T.; Li, Y.; Li, M.; Chan, C. K.* Oxidation–reduction assisted exfoliation of LiCoO2 into nanosheets and reassembly into functional Li-ion battery cathodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4 (18), 6902-6910.
[11] Cheng, Q.; Benipal, M. K.; Liu, Q.; Wang, X.; Crozier, P. A.; Chan, C. K.*; Nemanich, R.* J. Al2O3 and SiO2 atomic layer deposition layers on ZnO photoanodes and degradation mechanisms. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2017, 9 (19), 16138-16147.
[12] Cheng, Q.; Peng, X.; Chan, C. K.* Structural and Photoelectrochemical Evaluation of Nanotextured Sn‐Doped AgInS2 Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis. ChemSusChem 2013, 6 (1), 102-109.
[13] Cheng, Q.; Yang, T.; Li, M.; Chan, C. K.* Exfoliation of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 into nanosheets using electrochemical oxidation and reassembly with dialysis or flocculation. Langmuir 2017, 33 (37), 9271-9279.


研究方向为能源存储器件的机理研究及下一代能源存储器件的制造与开发。通过从受激拉曼显微镜等微观表征入手,理解电池的底层工作原理,由此开发安全、高性能的材料,最终制造多功能、多用途、高性能的可适应各种环境的能源存储器件;探索利用激光探索全固态电池等新型高性能储能器件的快速制备与制造; 探索基于激光直写的新型增材制造方法;利用具有高时空分辨的受激拉曼显微镜用于探索离子/电子的相互作用等。


研究方向为能源存储器件的机理研究及下一代能源存储器件的制造与开发。通过从受激拉曼显微镜等微观表征入手,理解电池的底层工作原理,由此开发安全、高性能的材料,最终制造多功能、多用途、高性能的可适应各种环境的能源存储器件;探索利用激光探索全固态电池等新型高性能储能器件的快速制备与制造; 探索基于激光直写的新型增材制造方法;利用具有高时空分辨的受激拉曼显微镜用于探索离子/电子的相互作用等。


2015 年,联合国成员国同意 17 项可持续发展目标 (SDG),以消除贫困、保护地球并确保全人类的繁荣。此人的工作有助于实现下列可持续发展目标:

  • 可持续发展目标 7 - 经济适用的清洁能源
  • 可持续发展目标 13 - 气候行动


深入其中 Qian Cheng 为活跃的研究主题。这些主题标签来自此人的成果。它们共同形成唯一的指纹。