Validated simulations of dynamic crack propagation in single crystals using EFEM and XFEM

Q. Zeng*, M. H. Motamedi, A. F.T. Leong, N. P. Daphalapurkar, T. C. Hufnagel, K. T. Ramesh

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Brittle and quasibrittle materials such as ceramics and geomaterials fail through dynamic crack propagation during impact events. Simulations of such events are important in a number of applications. This paper compares the effectiveness of the embedded finite element method (EFEM) and the extended finite element method (XFEM) in modeling dynamic crack propagation by validating each approach against an impact experiment performed on single crystal quartz together with in-situ imaging of the dynamic fracture using X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI). The experiment is conducted in a Kolsky bar (generating a strain rate on the order of 103s-1) that is operated at the synchrotron facilities at the advanced photon source (APS). The in situ XPCI technique can record the dynamic crack propagation with micron-scale spatial resolution and sub-microsecond temporal resolution, and the corresponding images are used to extract the time-resolved crack propagation path and velocity. A unified framework is first presented for the dynamic discretization formulations of EFEM and XFEM. This framework clarifies the differences between the two methods in enrichment techniques and numerical solution schemes. In both cases, a cohesive law is used to describe the fracture process after crack initiation. The simulations of the dynamic fracture experiment using the two simulation approaches are compared with the in situ experimental observations and measurements. The performance of each method is discussed with respect to capturing the early crack propagation process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-65
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Fracture
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Dynamic fracture
  • Dynamic fracture experiments
  • Embedded finite element method
  • Extended finite element method
  • In situ X-ray phase contrast imaging


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Zeng, Q., Motamedi, M. H., Leong, A. F. T., Daphalapurkar, N. P., Hufnagel, T. C., & Ramesh, K. T. (2019). Validated simulations of dynamic crack propagation in single crystals using EFEM and XFEM. International Journal of Fracture, 215(1-2), 49-65.