“To work, or not to work, that is the question”–Recent trends and avenues for research on presenteeism

S. A. Ruhle*, H. Breitsohl, E. Aboagye, V. Baba, C. Biron, C. Correia Leal, C. Dietz, A. I. Ferreira, J. Gerich, G. Johns, M. Karanika-Murray, D. Lohaus, A. Løkke, S. L. Lopes, L. F. Martinez, M. Miraglia, B. Muschalla, U. Poethke, N. Sarwat, H. SchadeC. Steidelmüller, S. Vinberg, Z. Whysall, T. Yang

*Corresponding author for this work

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116 Citations (Scopus)


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