Thermodynamic performance of heat pump with R1234ze(E)/R1336mzz(E) binary refrigerant

Hemin Hu, Tao Wang*, Yuyan Jiang, Chao Bi, Bing Zhang, Siyi Fan, Jianchao Li, Siyuan An, Xiusen Bai, Cong Guo

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In order to solve the temperature mismatch issue of cold and hot fluids in evaporation and condensation processes for heat pump system, binary refrigerant R1234ze(E)/R1336mzz is recommended in the present research due to its large temperature glide. Through theoretical analysis, multiple configurations under conditions of three different temperature heat sources (70/50 °C, 60/40 °C and 50/30 °C) and two different heat targets (steam above 100 °C and hot water with 70 °C) are constructed adopted Ebsilon code. The optimum mass proportion is obtained as 0.3/0.7 for R1234ze(E)/R1336mzz(E), because of its maximum temperature glide (can reach 21.52 °C) and excellent thermal performance (large COP, ECOP and exergy efficiency). COP of steam high temperature heat pump with R1234ze(E)(0.3)/R1336mzz(E)(0.7) binary refrigerant and the ratio of transferred heat of 110 °C condenser to all output heat (containing 110 °C and 100 °C steam intercooler and condensers) respectively increase up to 67.25% and 335.16% under some certain conditions, compared with that with pure R1336mzz(E). COP of hot water heat pump with R1234ze(E)(0.3)/R1336mzz(E)(0.7) binary refrigerant are respectively 10.31 and 6.89 under 60/40 °C and 50/30 °C heat source conditions, which greatly increases compared with that of heat pump with pure R1234ze(E) (6.67 and 5.03) and R1336mzz(E) (6.74 and 4.54). The present research may lay a foundation for binary refrigerant adoption to replace the scheme of multi-stage evaporator or multi-stage condenser, which could reduce the irreversible loss of phase change equipment and improve thermodynamic performance of heat pumps.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120795
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jul 2023


  • Binary refrigerant
  • Heat pump
  • R1234ze(E) / R1336mzz
  • Temperature glide
  • Thermodynamic performance


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