Synthesis and characterization of polyhedral oligomeric azido-octaphenylsilsesquioxane

Haibo Fan, Rongjie Yang*

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Polyhedral oligomeric azido-octaphenylsilsesquioxane (N 3-OPS) was synthesized from octaaminophenylsilsesquioxane (OAPS) via its diazonium salt. The synthesis included nitration of octaphenylsilsesquioxane (OPS) to octanitrophenylsilsesquioxane (ONPS), conversion of ONPS into octaaminophenylsilsesquioxane (OAPS), and conversion of OAPS into N 3-OPS. The kinetics of the conversion of OAPS into N 3-OPS were studied by recording the volume of N 2 gas released with the reaction time, which revealed it to be a 1st order reaction. The chemical structures of ONPS, OAPS and N 3-OPS were characterized by 1H-NMR, GPC, FTIR, 29Si solid NMR, 13C-NMR, XRD, and elemental analysis. It is proposed that the diazonium salt of OAPS was substituted by the main -N 3 group and a few of the -OH groups. The ratio of -N 3:-OH was calculated to be approximately 68:32 in N 3-OPS on the basis of the elemental analysis and 1H-NMR. XRD suggested that N 3-OPS was a kind of amorphous compound. The two-step conversion mechanism of OAPS to N 3-OPS was briefly discussed. TGA results showed that N 3-OPS was stable at ambient temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4389-4397
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Applied Polymer Science
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2012


  • azide
  • diazonium salt
  • kinetics
  • octaphenylsilsesquioxane


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Fan, H., & Yang, R. (2012). Synthesis and characterization of polyhedral oligomeric azido-octaphenylsilsesquioxane. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124(5), 4389-4397.