Spectral context matching for video object segmentation under occlusion

Xiaoxue Shi*, Yao Lu, Tianfei Zhou, Xiaoyu Lei

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Although numerous algorithms have been proposed for video object segmentation, it is still a challenging problem to segment video object in the case of occlusion. Video object localization is a critical step for an accurate object segmentation. To obtain an initial localization, we propose a new method, Spectral Context Matching (SCM), for a coarse object location. SCM rebuild the affinity Matrix using context information as similarity constraints of features to detect the corresponding areas. Adding with color and optical flow information, the initially estimated object location is selected. For object segmentation, we utilize a spatial-temporal graphical model on the estimated object region to get an accurate segmentation. In addition, we also impose an online update mechanism to detect and handle occlusion adaptively. Experimental results on DAVIS dataset and comparison with the-state-of-the-art method show that our proposed algorithm can efficiently handle heavy occlusion.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM 2017 - 18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Revised Selected Papers
EditorsBing Zeng, Hongliang Li, Qingming Huang, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Shuqiang Jiang, Xiaopeng Fan
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)9783319773827
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2017 - Harbin, China
Duration: 28 Sept 201729 Sept 2017

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume10736 LNCS
ISSN (Print)0302-9743
ISSN (Electronic)1611-3349


Conference18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2017


  • Occlusion
  • Online update
  • Spectral context matching
  • Video object segmentation


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Shi, X., Lu, Y., Zhou, T., & Lei, X. (2018). Spectral context matching for video object segmentation under occlusion. In B. Zeng, H. Li, Q. Huang, A. El Saddik, S. Jiang, & X. Fan (Eds.), Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM 2017 - 18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 337-346). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10736 LNCS). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77383-4_33