Separation and identification of the main impurity in erythromycin oxime

Dong Ye*, Zhi Hua Deng, Jian Hua Liang, Xiao Hong Jin, Jing Rui Bai, Guo Wei Yao

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The oximation of erythromycin is studied. The main impurity involved in the synthesis of erythromycin oxime was separated and purified, which was identified as the very compound formed in the acidic hydrolysis of erythromycin A, i. e erythromycin A8,9-dehydro-6,9-hemiketal. This result shows that the oximation of erythromycin is always accompanied with its acidic degradation, and therefore that it is important to control the amount of acid used as catalyst.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)244-246+250
JournalHe Jishu/Nuclear Techniques
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1999


  • Erythromycin a 6,9-hemiketal
  • Erythromycin a 8,9-dehydro-6,9-hemiketal
  • Erythromycin oxime


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