Resilient Control for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems Subject to Jamming Attacks: A Cross-Layer Dynamic Game Approach

Ling Zhao, Hao Xu, Jinhui Zhang*, Hongjiu Yang

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15 Citations (Scopus)


For wireless cyber-physical systems (CPSs) suffering jamming attacks, an optimal resilient control method is proposed through a novel cross-layer dynamic game structure in this article. To confirm to practical conditions of the cyber-layer, incomplete communication information is taken into consideration, and a Bayesian Stackelberg game approach is utilized to model interactions between a smart jammer and a cyber-user. Then, an H∞ optimal resilient controller is studied for the closed-loop system with jam-induced packet losses and external disturbance in the sense of physical layer. With assumptions that the smart jammer has abilities of decoding system inputs and states, the changes of the jamming strategy are studied, and a coupled design between cyber and physical layers is presented with an algorithm to depict the dynamic variations of the CPSs. Moreover, the convergence of the proposed algorithm is also discussed. To validate the advantages of the proposed methods, a numerical simulation is performed in the end.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2599-2608
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2022


  • Incomplete information
  • Jamming attack
  • Resilient control
  • Stackelberg game
  • Wireless cyber-physical systems (WCPSs)


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