Research on parametric design method of combustion chamber on diesel engine

Yong Shang*, Fu Shui Liu, Xiang Rong Li, Jing Wu

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


One method of parametric design on combustion chamber is used in this paper. Several independent geometrical parameters of ω type and double swirl combustion chamber are brought forward. Different series of ω type and double swirl combustion chambers have been designed by using this method. The effect of the independent geometrical parameters on the performance of diesel engine has been studied by using CFD code AVL FIRE. According to this method of parametric design and calculation result, two pistons with ω type and double swirl combustion chamber has been designed with the target of the highest indicated heat efficiency. The test result shows that, contrasting with ω type chamber, BSFC and main combustion duration of double swirl combustion chamber is lower by 7.5 and 6.9 percent respectively, while indicated heat efficiency is 7.1 percent higher. And the calculation result has coherence with the experiment. It is proved that the method of parametric design on combustion chamber can satisfy the requirement of designing. At the same time, this method can be extended to design other combustion chambers.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationManufacturing Science and Technology
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2011 - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 16 Sept 201118 Sept 2011

Publication series

NameAdvanced Materials Research
ISSN (Print)1022-6680


Conference2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2011


  • Combustion chamber
  • Diesel engine
  • Parametric design


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Shang, Y., Liu, F. S., Li, X. R., & Wu, J. (2012). Research on parametric design method of combustion chamber on diesel engine. In Manufacturing Science and Technology (pp. 1431-1440). (Advanced Materials Research; Vol. 383-390).