Reflecting Brownian motions and a deletion result for Sobolev spaces of order (1, 2)

Zhen Qing Chen*

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Let D be an open set in ℝd and E be a relatively closed subset of D having zero Lebesgue measure. A necessary and sufficient integral condition is given for the Sobolev spaces W1,2(D) and W1,2(D \ E) to be the same. The latter is equivalent to (normally) reflecting Brownian motion (RBM) on D \ E being indistinguishable (in distribution) from RBM on D̄. This integral condition is satisfied, for example, when E has zero (d - 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure. Therefore it is possible to delete from D a relatively closed subset E having positive capacity but nevertheless the RBM on D \ E is indistinguishable from the RBM on D̄, or equivalently, W1,2(D \ E) = W1,2(D). An example of such kind is: D = ℝ2 and E is the Cantor set. In the proof of above mentioned results, a detailed study of RBMs on general open sets is given. In particular, a semimartingale decomposition and approximation result previously proved in [3] for RBMs on bounded open sets is extended to the case of unbounded open sets.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)383-401
Number of pages19
JournalPotential Analysis
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes


  • Boundary local time
  • Dirichlet space
  • Reflecting Brownian motion
  • Skorokhod decomposition
  • Sobolev space


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Chen, Z. Q. (1996). Reflecting Brownian motions and a deletion result for Sobolev spaces of order (1, 2). Potential Analysis, 5(4), 383-401.