Proportional-Integral Event-Triggered Control of Networked Systems With Unmatched Uncertainties

Jiliang Song, Dawei Shi*, Yang Shi, Junzheng Wang

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18 Citations (Scopus)


This article proposes a proportional-integral (PI) event-triggered control strategy for networked nonlinear systems subject to unmatched uncertainties. The influences of the unmatched uncertainties and external disturbances on the output channel are attenuated by an extended-state-observer-based output feedback controller through a state transformation. The outputs of the controller are transmitted in an event-triggered fashion by comparing the difference between the current sampling error and its integration with respect to time. We prove the stability of the closed-loop event-triggered control system by regulating the trajectories of the observation and tracking errors into a compact set. Further, the relationships between the control performance and designed parameters are investigated quantitatively. In addition, Zeno-freeness is guaranteed by proving the existence of a nonzero minimum inter-event time. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed PI-type event-triggered control strategy in reducing signal transmission rate is validated through numerical examples and various experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9320-9330
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2022


  • Extended state observer (ESO)
  • output feedback control
  • proportional-integral (PI) event-triggered control (ETC)
  • unmatched uncertainties


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