Problem Specific Genetic Differential Evolution Algorithm for Multi-skill Resource-constrained Project Scheduling of Collaborative Multi-Robot Systems for Search and Rescue

Jingbo Sun, Zhihong Peng, Junqi Cai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Multi-Robot system can be applied to search and rescue (SAR) tasks in complex environment. This paper focuses on resource scheduling and task allocation of cooperative multi-robot system for SAR (RSTA-RSSAR). RSTA-RSSAR is an extention of MSRCPSP. In RSTA-RSSAR, skills of multi-robot system considered from both depth and breadth. And resouece transfer time between tasks are considered. Meanwhile, Processing time of activities in RSTA-RSSAR changes with skill ability resouces provided. In order to solve the problem effectively, a genetic differential evolution algorithm (PS-GDEA) is proposed. An encoding, decoding and population initialization methods is designed according to the characteristics of RSTA-RSSAR. In this algorithm, a multi-attribute choosing method based on Shannon entropy is proposed. Meanwhile, a genetic algorithm with new selection, crossover and mutation operators is used to generate offspring and a priority based differential evolution strategy is used to evolute parents. The effectiveness of the algorithm is obtained by experiments on test cases. Compared with the classical genetic algorithm for msrcpsp, the proposed algorithm has better performance.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021
EditorsChen Peng, Jian Sun
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9789881563804
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2021
Event40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021 - Shanghai, China
Duration: 26 Jul 202128 Jul 2021

Publication series

NameChinese Control Conference, CCC
ISSN (Print)1934-1768
ISSN (Electronic)2161-2927


Conference40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021


  • Multi-skilled resources
  • Problem specific GDEA
  • Transfer time


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