Preparation of ultrafine graphite by explosive detonation in water protective medium

Hui Sheng Yao*, Feng Lei Huang, Yi Tong

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Ultrafine Graphites (UFG) prepared by explosive detonation in the water protective medium was studied. The advantages of the technology using water as protective medium are convenient and safe and low cost technology. Moreover, UFGs have high purity and concentrate granule. UFGs obtained from TNT, RDX and graphite have the medium size of 9.3 nm and the surface area of 1116.2 m2 · g-1.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)330-332
Number of pages3
JournalHanneng Cailiao/Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2005


  • Detonation
  • Explosion mechanics
  • Protective medium
  • Ultrafine graphite
  • Water


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Yao, H. S., Huang, F. L., & Tong, Y. (2005). Preparation of ultrafine graphite by explosive detonation in water protective medium. Hanneng Cailiao/Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials, 13(5), 330-332.