Particle swarm optimization arithmetic of traffic assignment

Su Xin Wang*, Li Gao, Xiao Guang Cui, Xue Mei Chen, Li Fang Gu

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5 Citations (Scopus)


In order to assign traffic volume rationally and expediently, a particle swarm optimization arithmetic(PSOA) of traffic volume multipath assignment was put forward. In the arithmetic, multidimensional particle space was constructed, every dimension was a feasible path, and its value was the assigned traffic volume on corresponding path) particle was united to make traffic volume conservation, and traffic volume multipath assignment was processed by PSOA; particles were circularly evaluated and filtered according to an optimal aim function, so that terminating qualification was satisfied. Computation result shows that the aim function value gained by using the arithmetic is least, the assigned traffic volume of every path is its capacity, the solving process of the arithmetic has optimization direction property and has no limit to net scale, so the arithmetic is feasible and rational.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-100+122
JournalJournal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2007


  • Multipath
  • Particle swarm optimization arithmetic
  • Traffic assignment
  • Traffic network
  • Traffic planning


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Wang, S. X., Gao, L., Cui, X. G., Chen, X. M., & Gu, L. F. (2007). Particle swarm optimization arithmetic of traffic assignment. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 7(5), 97-100+122.