Morphological Characterization and Failure Analysis of the Ultrasonic Welded Single-Lap Joints

Quanyue Zhao, Hantai Wu, Xinyu Chen, Xiaoxuan Chen, Shuaiheng Xu, Chunwang He*, Tian Zhao*

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Ultrasonic welding technology represents an advanced method for joining thermoplastic composites. However, there exists a scarcity of systematic investigations into welding parameters and their influence on the morphological characteristics and quality of the welded regions. Furthermore, a comprehensive experimental understanding of the welded joint failure mechanisms remains deficient. A robust model for simulating the failure behavior of welded joints under loading has yet to be formulated. In this study, ultrasonic welded specimens were fabricated using distinct welding control methods and varied parameter combinations. Diverse experimental methodologies are employed to assess the morphological features of the welded areas, ascertain specimen strength, and observe welding interface failure modes. Based on a cohesive model, a finite element model is developed to predict the strength of the ultrasonic welded joints and elucidate the failure mechanisms. The results showed that, under identical welding parameters, the specimens welded with a high amplitude and low welding force exhibit superior welding quality. The specimens produced under displacement control exhibit minimal dispersion in strength. The proposed finite element model effectively prognosticates both welded joint strength and failure modes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3555
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023


  • damage mechanics
  • finite element analysis (FEA)
  • thermoplastic composites
  • ultrasonic welding


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Zhao, Q., Wu, H., Chen, X., Chen, X., Xu, S., He, C., & Zhao, T. (2023). Morphological Characterization and Failure Analysis of the Ultrasonic Welded Single-Lap Joints. Polymers, 15(17), Article 3555.