Microscopic modelling of ignition and burning for well-arranged energetic crystals in response to drop-weight impact

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5 Citations (Scopus)


To probe into impact sensitivity of energetic crystals, a theoretical approach was developed for modelling a single layer of energetic particles between upper striker and below base. Considering the particle plasticity, frictional heating, melting, fracture, and chemical reaction at particle level, effects of loading parameters and sample characteristics on time-to-ignition and burning rate were compared. Finite element numerical simulations were simultaneously performed to provide supporting evidence for thermo-mechanical interactions among energetic particles. Once hot- spots ignition occurred during impact, the macrokinetics of chemical reactions were formulated by hot-spots density, combustion wave velocity and geometric factor. The resulting reaction may or may not develop into a violent event, may be sustained or be extinguished, which can be revealed from the subsequent burn reaction rate.


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