Lithium battery state-of-health estimation and remaining useful lifetime prediction based on non-parametric aging model and particle filter algorithm

Xiaoyu Li*, Changgui Yuan*, Zhenpo Wang, Jiangtao He, Shike Yu

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81 Citations (Scopus)


State of health estimation (SOH) and remaining useful lifetime (RUL) prediction are significant health indicators for improving the safety and reliability of battery systems. Herein, a data-fusion method is developed to establish a non-parametric degradation model and a particle filter algorithm for forecasting battery health conditions. Firstly, a dynamic battery aging state-space system is developed, in which Gaussian process regression is applied to establish state equation using historical capacity series and current capacity as input and output variables, respectively. Meanwhile, multi-output Gaussian process regression maps the relationship between capacity degradation and battery health indicators to construct an observation equation. Second, two filter methods are unitized to obtain the smooth differential thermal voltammetry curves and the significant health indicators are extracted from partial differential thermal voltammetry curves. Third, the short-term SOH estimation and long-term RUL prediction are carried out using a particle filter algorithm. Moreover, two types of five batteries with various designed cases are conducted to verify and analyze the proposed method. The results show that the estimation errors of short-term SOH are within 4% and prediction errors of long-term RUL are around 7% (relative error/EOL, 12/159), which indicate the proposed method has an excellent capability for accurate and robust forecasting battery health conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100156
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022


  • Lithium battery
  • Multi-output Gaussian process regression
  • Particle filter algorithm
  • Remaining useful life
  • State of health


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