Investigations of the intrinsic corrosion and hydrogen susceptibility of metals and alloys using density functional theory

Christopher D. Taylor*, Huibin Ke

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Mechanisms for materials degradation are usually inferred from electrochemical measurements and characterization performed before, during, and after exposure testing and/or failure analysis of service materials. Predicting corrosion and other materials degradation modes, such as hydrogen-assisted cracking, from first-principles has generally been limited to thermodynamic predictions from Pourbaix or Ellingham diagrams and the Galvanic series. Using electronic structure calculations, modern first-principles methods can predict ab initio the key rate-controlling processes for corrosion and hydrogen susceptibility as a function of pH, potential, and solution chemistry, and materials composition and microstructure. Herein we review density functional theory (DFT) approaches for studying the electrochemical reactions occurring on fresh metal and alloy surfaces related to environmentally assisted cracking and localized corrosion/pitting. Predicted changes in surface chemistry as a function of the environment were correlated against experimental crack growth rate data obtained for alloys 718, 725, and pipeline steel under electrochemical control. We also review the application of the method to study the effects of alloying on the chloride susceptibility of stainless steels and Ni–Cr-based corrosion-resistant alloys. Perspectives for improving the model are given, and extending it to future fields of application in corrosion science and engineering.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-209
Number of pages33
JournalCorrosion Reviews
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Density functional theory
  • Electrochemistry
  • Hydrogen adsorption
  • Localized corrosion
  • Surface adsorption


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Taylor, C. D., & Ke, H. (2021). Investigations of the intrinsic corrosion and hydrogen susceptibility of metals and alloys using density functional theory. Corrosion Reviews, 39(3), 177-209.