High-performance biobased vinyl ester resin and its fiberglass-reinforced composite with high glass transition temperature (Tg), excellent flame retardancy and mechanical properties

Xin Zhang, Jiazi Wu, Jianhui Wei, Zhaolu Qin, Ye Tang Pan, Xiaolu Wu*, Wenchao Zhang, Rongjie Yang

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, a biobased vinyl ester resin monomer with Schiff base is prepared from protocatechualdehyde. The monomer is dissolved into styrene to prepare the biobased resin designated as OBTMAR. The resin is perfused into the fiberglass to prepare a fiber-reinforced composite (GFOBTMAR). The commercial vinyl ester resin (VER901) and its fiberglass-reinforced composite (GFVER901) are prepared as the control. Tg values of OBTMAR and GFOBTMAR are 219 and 222 °C, respectively, which are far higher than those of VER901 (127 °C) and its composites (131 °C). And there is no separation between the resin and fiberglass for GFOBTMAR due to excellent fiberglass wettability. Cone calorimeter test suggests that GFOBTMAR shows the best flame retardancy and lowest smoke release. The related mechanism of flame retardancy is studied in detail. This work presents an effective strategy for developing fiberglass-reinforced vinyl ester resin composites with high Tg, superior flame retardancy and mechanical properties for application.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110209
JournalPolymer Degradation and Stability
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • Biobased
  • Fiberglass-reinforced composite
  • Flame retardancy
  • Glass transition temperature
  • Mechanical properties
  • Vinyl ester resin


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