Genetic algorithm based combinatorial auction method for multi-robot task allocation

Jian Wei Gong*, Wan Ning Huang, Guang Ming Xiong, Yi Ming Man

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2 Citations (Scopus)


An improved genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of bad real-time performance or inability to get a global optimal/better solution when applying single-item auction (SIA) method or combinatorial auction method to multi-robot task allocation. The genetic algorithm based combinatorial auction (GACA) method which combines the basic-genetic algorithm with a new concept of ringed chromosome is used to solve the winner determination problem (WDP) of combinatorial auction. The simulation experiments are conducted in OpenSim, a multi-robot simulator. The results show that GACA can get a satisfying solution in a reasonable shot time, and compared with SIA or parthenogenesis algorithm combinatorial auction (PGACA) method, it is the simplest and has higher search efficiency, also, GACA can get a global better/optimal solution and satisfy the high real-time requirement of multi-robot task allocation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)151-156
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007


  • Combinatorial auctions
  • Genetic algorithm
  • Multi-robot
  • Task allocation


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Gong, J. W., Huang, W. N., Xiong, G. M., & Man, Y. M. (2007). Genetic algorithm based combinatorial auction method for multi-robot task allocation. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 16(2), 151-156.