Fluorinated Oligoethylenimine Nanoassemblies for Efficient siRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Serum-Containing Media by Effective Endosomal Escape

Tingbin Zhang, Yuanyu Huang, Xiaowei Ma, Ningqiang Gong, Xiaoli Liu, Lu Liu, Xiaoxia Ye, Bo Hu, Chunhui Li, Jian Hua Tian, Andrea Magrini, Jinchao Zhang, Weisheng Guo, Jin Feng Xing, Massimo Bottini, Xing Jie Liang*

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65 Citations (Scopus)


Efficient small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery in the presence of serum is of crucial importance for effective gene therapy. Fluorinated vectors are considered to be attractive candidates for siRNA-mediated gene therapy because of their delivery efficacy in serum-containing media. However, the mechanisms driving the superior gene transfection behavior of fluorinated vectors are still not well-understood, and comprehensive investigations are warranted. Herein, we fabricated a library of perfluorooctanoyl fluoride-fluorinated (PFF-fluorinated) oligoethylenimines (fxOEIs, x is the PFF:OEI feeding ratio), which can readily form nanoassemblies (fxOEI NAs) capable of efficient siRNA delivery in cells cultured in medium both devoid of and supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS). The gene silencing test in serum-containing medium revealed that the f0.7OEI/siRNA NAs achieved a luciferase silencing of â88.4% in Luc-HeLa cells cultured in FBS-containing medium, which was almost 2-fold greater than the silencing efficacy of siRNA delivered by the commercially available vector Lipo 2000 (â48.8%). High levels of apolipoprotein B silencing were also achieved by f0.7OEI/siRNA NAs in vivo. For an assessment of the underlying mechanisms of the efficacy of gene silencing of fluorinated vectors, two alkylated OEIs, aOEI-C8 and aOEI-C12, were fabricated as controls with similar molecular structure and hydrophobicity to that of f0.7OEI, respectively. In vitro investigations showed that the superior gene delivery exhibited by f0.7OEI NAs derived from the potent endosomal disruption capability of fluorinated vectors in the presence of serum, which was essentially attributed to the serum protein adsorption resistance of the f0.7OEI NAs. Therefore, this work provides an innovative approach to siRNA delivery as well as insights into fluorine-associated serum resistance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6301-6311
Number of pages11
JournalNano Letters
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2018


  • Fluorine
  • endosomal escape
  • nanostructures
  • oligoethylenimine
  • serum resistance
  • siRNA delivery


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