Fermions on thick branes in the background of sine-Gordon kinks

Yu Xiao Liu*, Li Da Zhang, Li Jie Zhang, Yi Shi Duan

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A class of thick branes in the background of sine-Gordon kinks with a scalar potential V()=p(1+cos 2 q) was constructed by R. Koley and S. Kar. In this paper, in the background of the warped geometry, we investigate the issue of localization of spin-1/2 fermions on these branes in the presence of two types of scalar-fermion couplings: ηΨ̄ Ψ and ηΨ̄sin Ψ. By presenting the mass-independent potentials in the corresponding Schrödinger equations, we obtain the lowest Kaluza-Klein modes and a continuous gapless spectrum of Kaluza-Klein states with m2>0 for both types of couplings. For the Yukawa coupling ηΨ̄ Ψ, the effective potential of the right chiral fermions for positive q and η is always positive; hence only the effective potential of the left chiral fermions could trap the corresponding zero mode. This is a well-known conclusion which is discussed extensively in the literature. However, for the coupling ηΨ̄sin Ψ, the effective potential of the right chiral fermions for positive q and η is no longer always positive. Although the value of the potential at the location of the brane is still positive, it has a series of wells and barriers on each side, which ensures that the right chiral fermion zero mode could be trapped. Thus we may draw the following remarkable conclusion: for positive η and q, the potentials of both the left and right chiral fermions could trap the corresponding zero modes under certain restrictions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number065025
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2008
Externally publishedYes

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