Embedding new data points for manifold learning via coordinate propagation

Shiming Xiang*, Feiping Nie, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, Chunxia Zhang

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Citations (Scopus)


In recent years, a series of manifold learning algorithms have been proposed for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Most of them can run in a batch mode for a set of given data points, but lack a mechanism to deal with new data points. Here we propose an extension approach, i.e., mapping new data points into the previously learned manifold. The core idea of our approach is to propagate the known coordinates to each of the new data points. We first formulate this task as a quadratic programming, and then develop an iterative algorithm for coordinate propagation. Tangent space projection and smooth splines are used to yield an initial coordinate for each new data point, according to their local geometrical relations. Experimental results and applications to camera direction estimation and face pose estimation illustrate the validity of our approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159-184
Number of pages26
JournalKnowledge and Information Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2009


  • Coordinate propagation
  • Manifold learning
  • Out-of-sample
  • Quadratic programming
  • Smooth spline
  • Tangent space projection


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