Effect of a tilted electric field on the magnetoexciton ground state in a semiconductor quantum dot

Dali Wang, Guojun Jin*, Yongyou Zhang, Yu Qiang Ma

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21 Citations (Scopus)


The variational approach within the effective mass approximation is used to investigate the effect of a tilted electric field on the energy and wave function of a magnetoexciton in a cylindrical quantum dot with a finite thickness. Calculations are performed for parameters of a typical GaAs quantum dot. We reveal the dependence of the ground-state binding energy of the magnetoexciton on the magnitude and orientation of the applied electric field. It is found that in weak magnetic fields, the electric field direction can strongly influence the magnetoexciton binding energy and thus give rise to a measurable Stark shift. However, in very strong magnetic fields, the binding energy is almost independent of electric field orientation. In addition, we discuss the competition between the tilted electric field and the magnetic field and find that the configuration of the applied electric and magnetic fields can cause either the redshift or blueshift of the exciton energy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number063716
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


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