Downstream detonation initiation induced by interaction between shock wave and obstacle in combustible gas mixtures

Hong Hui Teng*, Jun Ming Lu, Zong Lin Jiang

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The downstream detonation initiation induced by interaction between the shock wave and the single rectangle obstacle interaction was simulated numerically. The upstream detonation forming and its following wave dynamics which initiated the downstream detonation waves were investigated. From the numerical results two initiation modes, which were the direct detonation diffraction and the diffraction wave reflection on the upper wall, were found out and validated by the previous experimental results. The processes of the upstream detonation transmitting downstream were analyzed by studying the influences of the incident shock Mach number, gas mixture pressure, and the tube length scale. The operating rules and governing factors of two initiation modes were concluded and the downstream detonation initiation rules were illustrated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)251-258
Number of pages8
JournalBaozha Yu Chongji/Expolosion and Shock Waves
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • Detonation wave
  • Mechanics of explosion
  • Numerical simulation
  • Shock wave
  • Wave diffraction


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Teng, H. H., Lu, J. M., & Jiang, Z. L. (2007). Downstream detonation initiation induced by interaction between shock wave and obstacle in combustible gas mixtures. Baozha Yu Chongji/Expolosion and Shock Waves, 27(3), 251-258.