title = "Design and microfabrication of an electrostatically actuated scanning micromirror with elevated electrodes",
abstract = "This paper reports the design and microfabrication of an electrostatically actuated CMOS-MEMS micromirror with elevated electrodes. Two sets of bimorphs are employed to create mismatched vertical comb drives for mirror actuation. Device structural design and fabrication process are detailed and device performance such as scanning angles is simulated using CoventorWare, an integrated MEMS simulator. With a 26 V driving voltage applied to the mismatched comb drives alternately, a rotational angle of over ±12° can be realized. The device chips were fabricated using AMI 0.5 μm CMOS technology through MOSIS. DRIE post-CMOS microfabrication was performed for device release.",
keywords = "CMOS-MEMS, Electrostatic, Micromirror, Vertical comb-drive",
author = "Mohd Haris and Hongwei Qu and Ankur Jain and Huikai Xie",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781420085075",
series = "Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, NSTI-Nanotech, Nanotechnology 2008",
pages = "203--206",
booktitle = "Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, NSTI-Nanotech, Nanotechnology 2008",
note = "2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, NSTI Nanotech 2008 Joint Meeting, Nanotechnology 2008 ; Conference date: 01-06-2008 Through 05-06-2008",