Design and mechanical sensitivity analysis of a MEMS tuning fork gyroscope with an anchored leverage mechanism

Zezhang Li, Shiqiao Gao*, Lei Jin, Haipeng Liu, Yanwei Guan, Shigang Peng

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17 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents the design and analysis of a new micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) tuning fork gyroscope (TFG), which can effectively improve the mechanical sensitivity of the gyroscope sense-mode by the designed leverage mechanism. A micromachined TFG with an anchored leverage mechanism is designed. The dynamics and mechanical sensitivity of the design are theoretically analyzed. The improvement rate of mechanical sensitivity (IRMS) is introduced to represent the optimization effect of the new structure compared with the conventional one. The analytical solutions illustrate that the IRMS monotonically increases with increased stiffness ratio of the power arm (SRPA) but decreases with increased stiffness ratio of the resistance arm (SRRA). Therefore, three types of gyro structures with different stiffness ratios are designed. The mechanical sensitivities increased by 79.10%, 81.33% and 68.06% by theoretical calculation. Additionally, FEM simulation demonstrates that the mechanical sensitivity of the design is in accord with theoretical results. The linearity of design is analyzed, too. Consequently, the proposed new anchored leverage mechanism TFG offers a higher displacement output of sense mode to improve the mechanical sensitivity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3455
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2019


  • Anchored leverage mechanism
  • Coordinate transformation method
  • Mechanical sensitivity
  • Stiffness ratio
  • Tuning fork gyroscope


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