Crystal of Affine sl^ and Modular Branching Rules for Hecke Algebras of Type Dn

Huang Lin, Jun Hu*

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Let ℋq(Bn) and ℋq(Dn) denote the Hecke algebras of types Bn and Dn respectively, where q ≠ 1 is the Hecke parameter with quantum characteristic e. We prove that if D λ is a simple ℋ q(B 2n)-module which splits as D+λ⊕D−λ upon restriction to ℋq(D 2n), then D+λ↓ℋq(D2n−1)≅D−λ↓ℋq(D2n−1) and D+λ↑ℋq(D2n+1)≅D−λ↑ℋq(D2n+1) . In particular, we get some multiplicity-free results for certain two-step modular branching rules. We also show that when e = 2ℓ > 2 the highest weight crystal of the irreducible sl^ -module L(Λ0) can be categorified using the simple ℋq (D 2n)-modules {D+λ∣λ=(λ(1),λ(2))⊢2n,Dλ↓ℋq(D2n)≅D+λ⊕D−λ,n∈ℕ} and certain two-step induction and restriction functors. Finally, a complete classification of all the simple blocks of ℋq(Dn) is also obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-306
Number of pages30
JournalFrontiers of Mathematics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • 16G99
  • 17B10
  • 20C08
  • Iwahori—Hecke algebras
  • Kashiwara operators
  • Kleshchev bipartitions
  • crystal bases


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