title = "A unified field analysis method for IR/MMW beam splitter",
abstract = "Aperture field integration method (AFIM) is proposed and utilized to efficiently compute the field distributions of infrared (IR)/millimeter wave (MMW) beam splitter including the MMW near field distribution and IR far field distribution. A single dielectric layer beam splitter is analyzed by AFIM. Compared to the multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM), the memory requirement and CPU time consumption are reduced drastically from 4.6GB and 2141 seconds to 1.2MB and 58 seconds, respectively, when the MMW near field distribution is computed. In order to meet the far field condition a scale factor is proposed to transform the focal plane into a far field plane, when the IR far field in a focal plane is computed. The IR far field calculation accuracy is better than 97% compared to the analytical solutions. The simulation results show that the AFIM as a unified method can be applied to both beam splitters' MMW near field and IR far field engineering estimation.",
author = "Yi Tian and Hui Yan and Xin Wang and Li Zhang and Zhuo Li",
year = "2014",
language = "English",
series = "Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium",
publisher = "Electromagnetics Academy",
pages = "514--519",
booktitle = "Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium",
address = "United States",
note = "Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2014 ; Conference date: 25-08-2014 Through 28-08-2014",