3D Printing Holey-Column Metamaterial Structure Undergoing Tailorable Buckling Deformation of Local Instability

Yuheng Liu, Dong Wei Shu, Haibao Lu*, Ran Tao*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


3D printing metamaterial structures have attracted extensive attentions, due to their multifunctional, programmable and tailorable mechanical behaviors. Currently, the buckling behaviors of irregular and non-uniform metamaterial structures have become a prominent challenge due to their unstable deformations. In this study, we designed a 3D printed metamaterial structure with tailorable buckling behaviors by means of viscoelastic materials and holey column structure. Effects of pore shapes, porosity, rotation angles, and temperature on the buckling modes and mechanical properties of metamaterial structures have been investigated using finite element analysis and experimental tests. Furthermore, the constitutive relationships among critical buckling stress, strain, pore shape, porosity and rotation angle have been formulated to explore the design principle of local instability in holey-column metamaterial structure towards tailorable buckling modes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2350081
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2023


  • 3D printing
  • Metamaterial
  • buckling
  • local instability


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Liu, Y., Shu, D. W., Lu, H., & Tao, R. (2023). 3D Printing Holey-Column Metamaterial Structure Undergoing Tailorable Buckling Deformation of Local Instability. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 15(9), Article 2350081. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1758825123500813