• 910
  • 18
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Personal profile

Personal profile

Associate Professor
√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
School of Mechanics and Vehicles, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Office Address
Power Systems Engineering Institute 205(West)
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By mail

Research Interests

[1] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Atomization and droplet dynamics of a gas-liquid two-phase jet under different mass loading ratios, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 151 (2022) 104043. (ESI 热点文章,前1‰)
[2] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Droplet breakup and coalescence of an internal-mixing twin-fluid spray. Physics of Fluids 2021, 33(1): 013317. (ESI 高被引文章,前1%)
[3] Chenwei Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Kun Wu*. Atomization of misaligned impinging liquid jets. Physics of Fluids. 2021 (33) 093311. (POF精选文章,被美国科学之光/Scilight报导)
[4] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Fundamental spray characteristics of air-assisted injection system using aviation kerosene. Fuel 2021, 286: 119420. (ESI 高被引文章,前1%)
[5] Xiao Wei, Zhenyu Zhang*. Modeling droplet collision dynamic for Lagrangian simulation of impinging spray under high ambient pressures using an improved approach, Computers & Fluids, 246 (2022) 105621.
[6] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang* Kun Wu, Xuejun Fan. On the evolution of n-octane atomization characteristics using an air-assisted intermittent spray method, Fuel Processing Technology, 231 (2022) 107231.
[7] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Spray Characteristics of Air··Assisted Injector Under Different Ambient Pressures. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition). 2020, 29(3): 317-325.
[8] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*, Gao Hongli. Experimental investigation on the spray characteristics of a self-pressurized hollow cone injector. Fuel 2020, 272: 117710.
[9] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*, Zhenhao Guo, Weizheng Zhang, Hongli Gao. On the role of vortex-ring formation in influencing air-assisted spray characteristics of n-heptane. Fuel 2020, 266: 117044.
[10] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Numerical Interpretation to the Roles of Liquid Viscosity in Droplet Spreading at Small Weber Numbers. Langmuir 2019, 35(49): 16164-16171.
[11] Yi Lu, Changlu Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang*. Numerical simulation of impinging spray characteristics under high ambient pressures with an improved droplet collision model, Fuel 2019, 251: 106-117.
[12] Hongli Gao, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Experimental investigation on spray characteristics of air-assisted gasoline fuel injection with flash boiling, Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 151: 354-363.
[13] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Modeling kinetic energy dissipation of bouncing droplets for lagrangian simulation of impinging sprays under high ambient pressures, Atomization and Sprays 2018, 28(8): 673-694.
[14] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Cross-impingement and combustion of sprays in high-pressure chamber and opposed-piston compression ignition engine, Applied Thermal Engineering 2018, 144:137-146.
[15] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Kinetic energy recovery and interface hysteresis of bouncing droplets after inelastic head-on collision, Physics of Fluids 2017, 29(10): 103306.
[16] Zhenyu Zhang, Peng Zhang *, Zhenfeng Zhao. Spray Impingement and Combustion in a Model Opposed-Piston Compression Ignition Engine, Combustion Science and Technology 2017, 189(11): 1943~1965.
[17] Zhenyu Zhang, Yicheng Chi, Longji Shang, Peng Zhang*. On the role of droplet bouncing in modeling impinging sprays under elevated pressures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016. 102(11): 657~668.
[18] Zhenyu Zhang, Changlu Zhao, Fujun Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhao*. Study on the Effect of the Nozzle Diameter and Swirl Ratio on the Combustion Process for an Opposed-piston Two-stroke Diesel Engine, Energy Procedia 2014, 61: 542-546..
[19] 章振宇*, 张宸玮, 张鹏. 小韦伯数下液滴撞击光滑壁面的数值模拟,工程热物理学报, 2021, 42(12): 3296-3303.
[20] 张宸玮, 章振宇*. 撞击式喷雾特性的拉格朗日数值模拟. 内燃机学报 2021 (04): 358-366.
[21] 武浩, 章振宇*, 张付军, 高宏力.音圈电机喷油器的喷雾特性试验. 内燃机学报 2022 (02):162-170.
[22] 武浩; 章振宇*; 张付军. 低压双流体雾化的液滴与流场特性分析. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[23] 杜强; 章振宇*. 无凸轮电液可变气门机构动态特性试验研究. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[24] 武浩; 章振宇*; 张付军. 脉冲式空气辅助喷雾的时变微观特性研究. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[25] 章振宇; 赵长禄*; 张付军; 王斌. 对置活塞二冲程柴油机扫气系统优化方法研究, 内燃机工程 2015, 36(5): 90~95.
[26] 章振宇; 赵长禄*; 张付军; 赵振峰. 对置二冲程柴油机喷油规律曲线对燃烧过程影响的仿真研究, 内燃机工程2015, 36(6): 32-37.
[27] 章振宇; 赵振峰*; 张付军; 赵长禄; 王斌. 对置二冲程柴油机扫气口参数对扫气过程的影响, 内燃机工程2014, 35 (5): 119-124.
[28] Hongli Gao, Fujun Zhang*, Zhenyu Zhang, Sufei Wang, Hao Wu, Trajectory deviation of target jet of air-assisted spray under different conditions, Fuel 249 (2019) 252-263.
[29] Zhenfeng Zhao*; Dan Wu; Zhenyu Zhang; Fujun Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Experimental investigation of the cycle-to-cycle variations in combustion process of a hydraulic free-piston engine. Energy 2014, 78(57): 257-265.
[30] Yi Lu, Zhe Zuo, Zhenyu Zhang*, Fujun Zhang. On the Effect of a Rail Pressure Error State Observer in Reducing Fuel Injection Cycle-to-Cycle Variation in an Opposed-Piston Compression Ignition Engine, Energies, 11 (2018) 1729.
[1] 章振宇; 张宸玮; 张鹏. 小韦伯数下液滴撞击光滑壁面的数值模拟, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15.
[2] 张宸玮; 章振宇; 吴坤. 双股射流对撞雾化的数值模拟研究:碰撞偏心效应, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15.
[3] 武浩; 章振宇; 张付军. 高速气动破碎下的液滴特性与流场分析, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15. (Poster)
[4] 章振宇; 张宸玮; 张鹏. Numerical Simulation of Droplet Spreading at Small Weber numbers, 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26.
[5] 武浩; 张付军; 章振宇. Droplet Statiscal Characteristics and Gas-liquid Interaction within Droplet-laden Flow of Air-assisted Sprays, 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26. (Poster)
[6] Zhenyu Zhang, Chengming He, Peng Zhang. "Soft" and "Hard" merging of head-on colliding droplets. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019, July 1, 2019 - July 5, 2019; Fukuoka, Japan.
[7] Zhenyu Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Dan Wu; Fujun Zhang; Guoliang Luo, Effect of piston dynamic on the working processes of an opposed-piston two-stroke folded-cranktrain engine, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2014-01-1628.
[8] Zhenyu Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Fujun Zhang, Modeling and simulation of an Opposed-piston two-stroke diesel engine. Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring (CDCIEM), 2012 International Conference on IEEE, Changsha, China, 2012: 415-419.
[9] Zhaoyi Xie; Zhenfeng Zhao; Zhenyu Zhang, Numerical Simulation of an Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke Diesel Engine, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2015-01-0404.
[10] Zhenfeng Zhao; Dan Wu; Zhenyu Zhang, Design and Performance Simulation of Opposed-Piston Folded-Cranktrain Engines, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2014-01-1638.
[1] Section Chair:The 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26. Droplet 2:2020-10-25
[2] Section Chair:2020年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,喷雾与液雾燃烧3. 2020-11-14
[3] Section Chair:第二届世界内燃机大会,济南,第八分会场 控制与测试,2021-04-24.
[1] 主持,重点项目,某智能动力系统总体与控制系统(一期/二期),2021/07-2022/12,300万元。
[2] 主持,基础预研,某气门运行特性及控制研究,2020/01-2022/12,100万元。
[3] 主持,基础预研,某喷雾技术及控制研究,2020/01-2021/12,60万元。
[4] 主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51806013,精准动力学表述的高压环境液滴碰撞模型研究,2019/01-2021/12,25万元。
[5] 主持,北京理工大学“青年教师学术启动计划”,基于精准动力学的高压环境液滴碰撞模型研究,2018/10-2021/10,40万元。
[6] 主持,横向,高速飞行器冷却系统优化,2021/07-2021/07,30万元。
[7] 主持,横向,燃料雾化特性测试与分析,2020/07-2021/07,15万元。
[8] 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,12072194,横向气流中双元液滴碰撞的气动机理研究,2021/01-2024/12,62万元。
[9] 参与,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91641105,大分子直链烷烃高精度从头算燃烧反应动力学的研究,2017/01-2019/12,60万元。(第二参与人)
[10] 参与,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51406013,柴油机共轨系统相空间脉冲递推状态方程及控制研究,2015/01-2017/12,25万元。(第三参与人)
[11] 参与,基础预研,对置活塞二冲程液柴油机及XXXX研究,500万元。


Postdoc, PhD and Master's degree candidates are enrolled in the following fields:
1. Research on Intelligent Control Technology and Algorithm of Power System
2. New power plant (free piston engine; Opposed piston engine)
3. Multi-phase flow characteristic control for engine spray combustion
4. Theoretical Experiment and Numerical Study of droplet Dynamics

Professional Experience

Postdoc, PhD and Master's degree candidates are enrolled in the following fields:
1. Research on Intelligent Control Technology and Algorithm of Power System
2. New power plant (free piston engine; Opposed piston engine)
3. Multi-phase flow characteristic control for engine spray combustion
4. Theoretical Experiment and Numerical Study of droplet Dynamics

Research Achievement

[1] Deputy Secretary-General of the 8th Council of the China Society of Internal Combustion Engines Internal Combustion Power Intelligent Technology Branch
[2] Office Director of Key Subject Laboratory of Vehicle Power System Technology
[3] International journal reviewer: Physics of Fluids; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; International Journal of Multiphase Flow ; Fuel; Combustion Science and Technology; Atomization and sprays.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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