Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year


Yuee Chang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Ministry of Education in China

External person

Yi Bing Nan

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Ministry of Education in China

External person

Cheng Zheng

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Ministry of Education in China

External person

Ting Ai Chen

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Ping'An Li

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Tingzhu Bai

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Qian Guo

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Shanshan Wang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Lizhi Chen

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Junkai Yang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Guangjie Cui

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Junyuan Zhao

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Dan Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Xuebin Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Qian Hao

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Mengling Lü

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Heqing Huang

  • China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Ministry of Education in China
  • China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
  • China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology

External person

Hongkang Hu

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Jianguo Yang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Yu Qin

  • Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

External person

Jing Wang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Ministry of Education in China

External person

Shan Shan Hu

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Kexin Liu

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Xiuqing Hu

  • National Meteorological Center
  • Innovation Center for FengYun Meteorological Satellite (FYSIC)
  • China Meteorological Administration

External person

Zhaotian Sun

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person