- CAS - Institute of Mechanics
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- China Development Bank
- Beijing Aerospace Long March Aircraft Research Institute
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Nagoya Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd.
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology
- School of Aerospace Science and Engineering
- PLA Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Ningbo Special Equipment Inspection & Research Institute
- Ningbo Special Equipment Inspection & Research Institute
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- China Shipbuilding Information Center
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- North University of China
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center
External person
- North University of China
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Beijing Aerospace Long March Aircraft Research Institute
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
External person
- Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology
External person
- Nanjing University of Science and Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Party School of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of CPC
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- School of Aerospace Science and Engineering
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Shandong Special Industry Group Co. Ltd.
- Shandong Special Industry Group Co., Ltd
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
External person
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person
- Beijing Institute of Technology
External person