Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Wei Guohua
Date of birth: November 1977
Office Tel: 010-68918323

2004.04 till now: Full-time teacher at School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1999.09-2004.03: PhD in Signal and Information Processing, Beijing Institute of Technology
1995.09-1999.09: Studied in Harbin Engineering University, majoring in Optoelectronic technology as a bachelor

Research Interests

High speed rendezvous target relative positioning technology, radio single station passive positioning technology, wide-area distributed node detection theory and technology


2004.04 till now: Full-time teacher at School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1999.09-2004.03: PhD in Signal and Information Processing, Beijing Institute of Technology
1995.09-1999.09: Studied in Harbin Engineering University, majoring in Optoelectronic technology as a bachelor

Professional Experience

2004.04 till now: Full-time teacher at School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1999.09-2004.03: PhD in Signal and Information Processing, Beijing Institute of Technology
1995.09-1999.09: Studied in Harbin Engineering University, majoring in Optoelectronic technology as a bachelor

Research Achievement

In view of the frontier of discipline development in this field and the major national needs, the research work of active and passive radio high-speed rendezvous target relative positioning measurement technology, multi-target rendezvous motion trajectory measurement technology, wide-area sparsely distributed node detection, sensing and communication integration is carried out. Presided over the development of a satellite-borne vector measurement radar subsystem, multi-type special vector measurement radar and two types of deformation monitoring radar systems; He has obtained 37 authorized invention patents and published more than 80 academic papers.
Some papers published in recent years:
[1] Jiahao Bai, Guohua Wei*, Siqiang Wang, Xu Wang, Zesong Fei. Efficient Direct Localization of OFDM Sources in Multipath Enviroment with Mobile Receivers [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Early Access.
[2] Jiahao Bai, Guohua Wei*, Jinlong Ren, Xu Wang, Zesong Fei. Enhancing the Orthogonality of Polyphase Signal with Multi-Pulse Joint Processing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(9): 9656-9666.
[3] Peng Lv, Guohua Wei*, Wei Cui. Vector Motion Parameter Estimation for an Approaching Missile Based on an Extended-Target Model [J]. IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 2018, 66(10):5464-5474
[4] LYU Peng, WEI Guohua*, CUI Wei. Short-Range Multitarget Motion Parameter Estimation Method Based on Hough Transform [J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(2): 344-348.
[5] Peng Lv, Guohua Wei*, Wei Cui. Impact of Acceleration on Miss Distance Parameter Estimation [J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2018, 41(5):1174-1181.
[6] Jinlong Ren, Guohua Wei*, Jiahao Bai, Xiaojie Bao, Xu Wang. Target T
Trajectory Estimation by Unambiguous Phase Differences from A Single Fixed Passive Sensor [J]. Electronics Letters, 2020, 56:1270-1273.
[7] Dongfang Li, Guohua Wei*, Biqing Sun, Xu Wang. Recursive Sidelobe Minimization Algorithm for Back-Projection Imaging of Impulse-Based Circular Aperture Synthetic Aperture Radar [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020, 17(10): 1732-1736.

Ø Won 1 first prize of National Technological Invention Award, 1 First prize of Ministerial Technological Invention Award, 1 second prize of Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2 third prizes of Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award and the first Science and Technology Innovation Team Award of MIIT
Ø Excellent Master's Thesis Advisor of Beijing Institute of Technology
Ø Excellent Class Teacher of Beijing Institute of Technology

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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