Pyramid attention network for semantic segmentation

Hanchao Li, Pengfei Xiong, Jie An, Lingxue Wang*


科研成果: 会议稿件论文同行评审

88 引用 (Scopus)


A Pyramid Attention Network(PAN) is proposed to exploit the impact of global contextual information in semantic segmentation. Different from most existing works, we combine attention mechanism and spatial pyramid to extract precise dense features for pixel labeling instead of complicated dilated convolution and artificially designed decoder networks. Specifically, we introduce a Feature Pyramid Attention module to perform spatial pyramid attention structure on high-level output and combine global pooling to learn a better feature representation, and a Global Attention Upsample module on each decoder layer to provide global context as a guidance of low-level features to select category localization details. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes benchmarks with a new record of mIoU accuracy 84.0% on PASCAL VOC 2012, while training without COCO dataset.

出版状态已出版 - 2019
活动29th British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2018 - Newcastle, 英国
期限: 3 9月 20186 9月 2018


会议29th British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2018


探究 'Pyramid attention network for semantic segmentation' 的科研主题。它们共同构成独一无二的指纹。
