Non-linear Hamilton cycles in linear quasi-random hypergraphs

Jie Han, Xichao Shu, Guanghui Wang

科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

2 引用 (Scopus)


A k-graph H is called (p, µ)-dense if for all not necessarily disjoint sets A1,..., Ak ⊆ V (H) we have e(A1,..., Ak) ≥ p|A1|· · · |Ak| − µ|V (H)|k. This is believed to be the weakest form of quasi-randomness in k-graphs and also known as linear quasi-randomness. In this paper we show that for l < k satisfying (k − l) - k, (p, µ)-denseness plus a minimum (l + 1)-vertex-degree αnk−l−1 guarantees Hamilton l-cycles, but requiring a minimum l-vertex-degree Ω(nk−l) instead is not sufficient. This answers a question of Lenz-Mubayi-Mycroft and characterizes the triples (k, l, d) such that degenerate choices of p and α force l-Hamiltonicity. We actually prove a general result on l-Hamiltonicity in quasi-random k-graphs, assuming a minimum vertex degree and essentially that every two l-sets can be connected by a constant length l-path. This result reduces the l-Hamiltonicity problem to the study of the connection property. Moreover, we note that our proof can be turned into a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that outputs the Hamilton l-cycle. Our proof uses the lattice-based absorption method in the non-standard way and is the first one that embeds a nonlinear Hamilton cycle in linear quasi-random k-graphs.

主期刊名ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2021
编辑Daniel Marx
出版商Association for Computing Machinery
出版状态已出版 - 2021
活动32nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2021 - Alexandria, Virtual, 美国
期限: 10 1月 202113 1月 2021


姓名Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms


会议32nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2021
Alexandria, Virtual


探究 'Non-linear Hamilton cycles in linear quasi-random hypergraphs' 的科研主题。它们共同构成独一无二的指纹。
