title = "Effects of anisotropy on the microstructural characteristics and mechanical behavior of shock-loaded of AZ31 alloy",
abstract = "Effects of anisotropy on the microstructural characteristics and mechanical behavior of shock loaded of AZ31 magnesium alloy have been investigated. Using electron backscatter diffraction, tension twinning was observed in both shock loading directions along the normal (ND) and rolling directions (RD). Compression tests were carried out along ND and RD in both as-received and post-shock conditions. It indicated that the RD samples show a more notable hardening behavior compared to the as-received conditions. Moreover, it is postulated here that detwinning results in a drop of strain-hardening rate for the ND samples under post shock reload conditions and tension twinning formed during the shock wave loading process leads to a significant moving left of the peak strain hardening rate for the RD samples under post shock reload conditions.",
keywords = "AZ31 alloy, Anisotropy, EBSD, Shock wave loading, Twinning",
author = "Min Hao and Fan Zhang and Chengwen Tan and Tiejian Su and Xiaodong Yu",
year = "2011",
doi = "10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.284-286.1537",
language = "English",
isbn = "9783037851913",
series = "Advanced Materials Research",
pages = "1537--1541",
booktitle = "Materials and Design",
note = "2011 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, AEMT 2011 ; Conference date: 29-07-2011 Through 31-07-2011",