title = "Contrast test research on application of dry friction isolators to vibration isolation of vehicle electronic devices",
abstract = "As regards the reliability of the vehicle electronic devices on the tracklayer getting worse due to severe vibration, isolation theory and mechanical model of the GWF vibration isolator and wire-mesh vibration isolator were analyzed, and the test research on the isolation effectiveness of the two isolators applied to the isolation of the vehicle electronic devices were carried out. The test results show that the vibration source of the foundation of the electronic device is mainly from the structure resonance, and the two dry friction vibration isolators exhibit excellent isolation effectiveness on different roads and at different speed. The wire-mesh vibration isolator shows better performance than GWF vibration isolator on three-dimensional comprehensive isolation.",
keywords = "Dry friction damping, Vehicle electronic devices, Vibration isolation performance, Vibration isolator, Wire-mesh",
author = "Hou, {Jun Fang} and Li, {Rong Li} and Yu, {Guang Chun} and Tao Luo and He, {Hai Wen}",
year = "2014",
doi = "10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.505-506.360",
language = "English",
isbn = "9783038350064",
series = "Applied Mechanics and Materials",
pages = "360--364",
booktitle = "Advances in Transportation",
note = "3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, ICCET 2013 ; Conference date: 14-12-2013 Through 15-12-2013",