title = "A study on the third interpretation of {\textquoteleft}V+ Duration Phrase{\textquoteright} in Chinese from the perspective of qualia structure",
abstract = "Duration Phrase (i.e. shifenzhong {\textquoteleft}ten minutes{\textquoteright}, santian {\textquoteleft}three days{\textquoteright}) in “V + Duration Phrase” normally refers to a duration of a certain action or duration since the completion of an event in Chinese. In this article, a less-discussed third interpretation of “V + Duration Phrase” has been put forward to discuss, which refers to the duration of a span (i.e. shelf life of a cake), with the action of the verb being discontinuous in the whole process. It is pointed out that the V in this third reading of “V + Duration Phrase” is not fully lexical, and can be substituted by a semi-lexical verb yong {\textquoteleft}use{\textquoteright} or a light verb as USE. In line with the qualia structure analysis under the framework of generative lexicon theory, this semi-lexical/light verb is found to function as a Telic role of an involved noun of the sentence.",
keywords = "Duration of a span, Duration of an action, Duration phrase, Duration since the completion of an event, Telic role",
author = "Wei Chin and Changsong Wang",
note = "Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} Springer International Publishing AG 2018.; 18th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop, CLSW 2017 ; Conference date: 18-05-2017 Through 20-05-2017",
year = "2018",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-73573-3_12",
language = "English",
isbn = "9783319735726",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
pages = "147--158",
editor = "Yunfang Wu and Qi Su and Jia-Fei Hong",
booktitle = "Chinese Lexical Semantics - 18th Workshop, CLSW 2017, Revised Selected Papers",
address = "Germany",