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[1] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Atomization and droplet dynamics of a gas-liquid two-phase jet under different mass loading ratios, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 151 (2022) 104043. (ESI 热点文章,前1‰)
[2] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Droplet breakup and coalescence of an internal-mixing twin-fluid spray. Physics of Fluids 2021, 33(1): 013317. (ESI 高被引文章,前1%)
[3] Chenwei Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Kun Wu*. Atomization of misaligned impinging liquid jets. Physics of Fluids. 2021 (33) 093311. (POF精选文章,被美国科学之光/Scilight报导)
[4] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Fundamental spray characteristics of air-assisted injection system using aviation kerosene. Fuel 2021, 286: 119420. (ESI 高被引文章,前1%)
[5] Xiao Wei, Zhenyu Zhang*. Modeling droplet collision dynamic for Lagrangian simulation of impinging spray under high ambient pressures using an improved approach, Computers & Fluids, 246 (2022) 105621.
[6] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang* Kun Wu, Xuejun Fan. On the evolution of n-octane atomization characteristics using an air-assisted intermittent spray method, Fuel Processing Technology, 231 (2022) 107231.
[7] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Spray Characteristics of Air··Assisted Injector Under Different Ambient Pressures. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition). 2020, 29(3): 317-325.
[8] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*, Gao Hongli. Experimental investigation on the spray characteristics of a self-pressurized hollow cone injector. Fuel 2020, 272: 117710.
[9] Hao Wu, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*, Zhenhao Guo, Weizheng Zhang, Hongli Gao. On the role of vortex-ring formation in influencing air-assisted spray characteristics of n-heptane. Fuel 2020, 266: 117044.
[10] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Numerical Interpretation to the Roles of Liquid Viscosity in Droplet Spreading at Small Weber Numbers. Langmuir 2019, 35(49): 16164-16171.
[11] Yi Lu, Changlu Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang*. Numerical simulation of impinging spray characteristics under high ambient pressures with an improved droplet collision model, Fuel 2019, 251: 106-117.
[12] Hongli Gao, Fujun Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang*. Experimental investigation on spray characteristics of air-assisted gasoline fuel injection with flash boiling, Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 151: 354-363.
[13] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Modeling kinetic energy dissipation of bouncing droplets for lagrangian simulation of impinging sprays under high ambient pressures, Atomization and Sprays 2018, 28(8): 673-694.
[14] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Cross-impingement and combustion of sprays in high-pressure chamber and opposed-piston compression ignition engine, Applied Thermal Engineering 2018, 144:137-146.
[15] Zhenyu Zhang and Peng Zhang*. Kinetic energy recovery and interface hysteresis of bouncing droplets after inelastic head-on collision, Physics of Fluids 2017, 29(10): 103306.
[16] Zhenyu Zhang, Peng Zhang *, Zhenfeng Zhao. Spray Impingement and Combustion in a Model Opposed-Piston Compression Ignition Engine, Combustion Science and Technology 2017, 189(11): 1943~1965.
[17] Zhenyu Zhang, Yicheng Chi, Longji Shang, Peng Zhang*. On the role of droplet bouncing in modeling impinging sprays under elevated pressures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016. 102(11): 657~668.
[18] Zhenyu Zhang, Changlu Zhao, Fujun Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhao*. Study on the Effect of the Nozzle Diameter and Swirl Ratio on the Combustion Process for an Opposed-piston Two-stroke Diesel Engine, Energy Procedia 2014, 61: 542-546..
[19] 章振宇*, 张宸玮, 张鹏. 小韦伯数下液滴撞击光滑壁面的数值模拟,工程热物理学报, 2021, 42(12): 3296-3303.
[20] 张宸玮, 章振宇*. 撞击式喷雾特性的拉格朗日数值模拟. 内燃机学报 2021 (04): 358-366.
[21] 武浩, 章振宇*, 张付军, 高宏力.音圈电机喷油器的喷雾特性试验. 内燃机学报 2022 (02):162-170.
[22] 武浩; 章振宇*; 张付军. 低压双流体雾化的液滴与流场特性分析. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[23] 杜强; 章振宇*. 无凸轮电液可变气门机构动态特性试验研究. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[24] 武浩; 章振宇*; 张付军. 脉冲式空气辅助喷雾的时变微观特性研究. 内燃机学报(录用出版中)
[25] 章振宇; 赵长禄*; 张付军; 王斌. 对置活塞二冲程柴油机扫气系统优化方法研究, 内燃机工程 2015, 36(5): 90~95.
[26] 章振宇; 赵长禄*; 张付军; 赵振峰. 对置二冲程柴油机喷油规律曲线对燃烧过程影响的仿真研究, 内燃机工程2015, 36(6): 32-37.
[27] 章振宇; 赵振峰*; 张付军; 赵长禄; 王斌. 对置二冲程柴油机扫气口参数对扫气过程的影响, 内燃机工程2014, 35 (5): 119-124.
[28] Hongli Gao, Fujun Zhang*, Zhenyu Zhang, Sufei Wang, Hao Wu, Trajectory deviation of target jet of air-assisted spray under different conditions, Fuel 249 (2019) 252-263.
[29] Zhenfeng Zhao*; Dan Wu; Zhenyu Zhang; Fujun Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Experimental investigation of the cycle-to-cycle variations in combustion process of a hydraulic free-piston engine. Energy 2014, 78(57): 257-265.
[30] Yi Lu, Zhe Zuo, Zhenyu Zhang*, Fujun Zhang. On the Effect of a Rail Pressure Error State Observer in Reducing Fuel Injection Cycle-to-Cycle Variation in an Opposed-Piston Compression Ignition Engine, Energies, 11 (2018) 1729.
[1] 章振宇; 张宸玮; 张鹏. 小韦伯数下液滴撞击光滑壁面的数值模拟, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15.
[2] 张宸玮; 章振宇; 吴坤. 双股射流对撞雾化的数值模拟研究:碰撞偏心效应, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15.
[3] 武浩; 章振宇; 张付军. 高速气动破碎下的液滴特性与流场分析, 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会. 2020.11.12-11.15. (Poster)
[4] 章振宇; 张宸玮; 张鹏. Numerical Simulation of Droplet Spreading at Small Weber numbers, 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26.
[5] 武浩; 张付军; 章振宇. Droplet Statiscal Characteristics and Gas-liquid Interaction within Droplet-laden Flow of Air-assisted Sprays, 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26. (Poster)
[6] Zhenyu Zhang, Chengming He, Peng Zhang. "Soft" and "Hard" merging of head-on colliding droplets. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019, July 1, 2019 - July 5, 2019; Fukuoka, Japan.
[7] Zhenyu Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Dan Wu; Fujun Zhang; Guoliang Luo, Effect of piston dynamic on the working processes of an opposed-piston two-stroke folded-cranktrain engine, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2014-01-1628.
[8] Zhenyu Zhang; Changlu Zhao; Fujun Zhang, Modeling and simulation of an Opposed-piston two-stroke diesel engine. Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring (CDCIEM), 2012 International Conference on IEEE, Changsha, China, 2012: 415-419.
[9] Zhaoyi Xie; Zhenfeng Zhao; Zhenyu Zhang, Numerical Simulation of an Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke Diesel Engine, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2015-01-0404.
[10] Zhenfeng Zhao; Dan Wu; Zhenyu Zhang, Design and Performance Simulation of Opposed-Piston Folded-Cranktrain Engines, Detroit, USA, SAE Paper 2014-01-1638.
[1] Section Chair:The 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray System-Asian. 2020.10.23-10.26. Droplet 2:2020-10-25
[2] Section Chair:2020年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,喷雾与液雾燃烧3. 2020-11-14
[3] Section Chair:第二届世界内燃机大会,济南,第八分会场 控制与测试,2021-04-24.
[1] 主持,重点项目,某智能动力系统总体与控制系统(一期/二期),2021/07-2022/12,300万元。
[2] 主持,基础预研,某气门运行特性及控制研究,2020/01-2022/12,100万元。
[3] 主持,基础预研,某喷雾技术及控制研究,2020/01-2021/12,60万元。
[4] 主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51806013,精准动力学表述的高压环境液滴碰撞模型研究,2019/01-2021/12,25万元。
[5] 主持,北京理工大学“青年教师学术启动计划”,基于精准动力学的高压环境液滴碰撞模型研究,2018/10-2021/10,40万元。
[6] 主持,横向,高速飞行器冷却系统优化,2021/07-2021/07,30万元。
[7] 主持,横向,燃料雾化特性测试与分析,2020/07-2021/07,15万元。
[8] 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,12072194,横向气流中双元液滴碰撞的气动机理研究,2021/01-2024/12,62万元。
[9] 参与,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,91641105,大分子直链烷烃高精度从头算燃烧反应动力学的研究,2017/01-2019/12,60万元。(第二参与人)
[10] 参与,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51406013,柴油机共轨系统相空间脉冲递推状态方程及控制研究,2015/01-2017/12,25万元。(第三参与人)
[11] 参与,基础预研,对置活塞二冲程液柴油机及XXXX研究,500万元。


1. 动力系统智能控制技术与算法研究
2. 新型动力装置(自由活塞发动机; 对置活塞发动机)
3. 面向发动机喷雾燃烧的多相流特性控制
4. 液滴动力学理论试验与数值研究


1. 动力系统智能控制技术与算法研究
2. 新型动力装置(自由活塞发动机; 对置活塞发动机)
3. 面向发动机喷雾燃烧的多相流特性控制
4. 液滴动力学理论试验与数值研究


[1] 中国内燃机学会第八届理事会内燃动力智能技术分会副秘书长
[2] 车辆动力系统技术重点学科实验室办公室主任
[3] 国际期刊审稿人:Physics of Fluids; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; International Journal of Multiphase Flow ; Fuel; Combustion Science and Technology; Atomization and sprays.


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